Backing Up Original CD™

I know this isn't the right forum to put this in but the activity here far exceeds the activity in any other forum so I thought I'd ask about it here. (I hope this is okay Neo) :D

Okay, I just got the CD of a helicopter simulation program that I have to learn. It works by connecting my transmitter to the interface on the gameport and I can fly my remote control helicopter on the computer a hundred times without ever physically crashing it.

Now, since the CD costs a mint, I don't ever want to put it in my CD-ROM Drive except when I copy it. I'm anal in this sense and this is where my obsessive compulsion catches up with me.

Now, I don't know what software to use. I tried Nero and Adaptec Easy CD and both of them don't work. I can install using the burnt disc but I cannot get into the simulator with it. It always says - "Please Insert CD". When I put the original CD in... it works.

What application can I use that will make an exact copy of my very precious disc? I have never used CloneCD or any other applications except the ones I've already mentioned.

Any help will truly be appreciated.

Thanks all :)


i am my my own evil twin
i'm with outlaw69 - clonecd and cdrwin goldenhawk would be my suggestions.

be aware that clone is hardware specific, i found that my scsi yamaha 2100 works a charm.


Staff member
Morally unjust to say the least.

Howard on most software if you read the license agreement, You are allowed to make a backup copy for safe keeping.


but you notice how the software stocks are climbing these days after all the bullshit, and the hardware stocks are going down. Gonna be some price wars for sure.


Originally posted by Neo

Howard on most software if you read the license agreement, You are allowed to make a backup copy for safe keeping.



Staff member
Toolbox, when brainsoft was trying to back up his sister's version of the SIMS he tried cloneCD but the same thing happened as you're explaining with the other programs you tried. So, if you run into problems with CloneCD aswell try "BlindWrite" he's never had any problems with it. He's backed up three or four games since he got the program a few weeks ago and all of them have worked on the first try!

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Originally posted by Toolbox
I just got the CD of a helicopter simulation program that I have to learn.
Hmmm, I think FBI is going to stop in at your door dude :lurk: . Don't you have any connection with Muslim guerrillas hu? :D