baby dies


New Member
HONOLULU -- A baby girl died Monday after being left alone in a car in the midday heat, police said.

According to the report, the 10-month-old child was discovered lifeless by her mother in her car parked outside the YMCA. The girl was found at about 1:20 p.m. and later pronounced dead at Castle Medical Center.

The Fire Department gave a different account of the incident. It said it was called to the scene to respond to a report of an apparently lifeless infant locked in a car.

A YMCA official said the child's mother was a physical therapist conducting a class at the pool there.

Police have classified the case an unattended death, pending an autopsy and an

The Hawaii Channel

*EDIT - deletes "girl" in title


Staff member

What does everyone always call Mie on here?? "Baby Girl" (atleast from what I've heard...*waits for heart beat to slow*


New Member
I really don't understand how people can think doing shit like that is ok. My brother's wife used to leave my neice out in the car when she was a baby and come in, sit down and talk. When I said something to her about it she said, don't worry the heat is on. (it was winter). I don't know about you but so many scenarios came to mind--someone stealing the car, someone hitting the car, the baby spitting up and choking... She's such an idiot. I've always despised her. :mad:


We've had several of those deaths in the past summer. One such case was a woman leaving her kid in the car while she went to work. Supposedly her husband was to pick her up, but he didn't know he was supposed to. Fucking idiots. Why??

Just when you thought people couldn't get lazy enough....


New Member
I thought the same as you Nix. :( I was afraid to open the thread. Still breaks my heart but at least it wasn't what I thought.


New Member
I'm sooooooo sorry guys, I didn't think. I didn't mean to scare anyone by using "baby girl" in the title. *kicks self*

I'm scaring myself at the mere thought of that ever happening. :(


New Member

..."And I heard hysterical cries," said Joanne Holmberg of the Kailua YMCA. "As I got up to investigate, a woman was coming in the lobby at the same time holding her baby. She was hysterical. It was a horrible thing. She said things quickly. What she said was, 'I forgot, my baby was in the car. It's usually at the baby sitter.' And she said, 'I think she might be dead.'"

...Police said the baby was in the car for six hours. The mother said she had forgotten to drop her daughter off at the babysitter in the morning, and she apparently didn't realize the baby was in the car when she went from her first job to her second job at the YMCA.

"The mom was giving a class, the class was from noon to 1, and this happened," Holmberg said.

The temperature in a locked car rises quickly. Experts said in 88-degree weather the temperature inside a car can shoot to 136 degrees in 40 minutes.

The Hawaii Channel


I have no idea!
Once again: Does everyone understand the difference between sperm and egg donors and parents?


New Member
"You need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father."

--Keanu Reeves, "Parenthood"


Felix Culpa
It frightens me to think that I would ever, or could ever be that forgetful. To think that sometimes people do it on purpose (s/he'll just be in there for 10 minutes or so), make me want to retch, pick up a large switch and publically flog the parent in question.


im a freak im so proud of that
well shit. thats what she gets for beign a shitty mother. NEVER LEAVE A KID ALONE IN THE FUCKING CAR!!!!!!!!!! why do people do stupid shit like that


My mother used to do that to me when I was a child...She'd go into the store 'for a few things', and would take what seemed like hours. Of course, I was old enough to work the windows, but this was also over 30 years ago, when power windows/locks were only on luxury cars...


im a freak im so proud of that
but thats teh difference Gato. at the time you were able to work the windows without a problem.