Are these neighbors of yours, Q?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
"Mom Arrested; Says She Had No Choice"

BULLSHIT-get a haircut & a job

And I didn't MEAN to rob the bank.


Staff member
Jebus on a stick!

2 months! up to 100 degrees! And without a fan or refrigerator, there was even a propane tank in there!

She must've been smoking something.

You just don't throw 2 kids and a dog inside a hot, cramped storage unit for the whole day. It's not right!

So, she must have been smoking something.


Staff member
If the actual temperature was around 100, you can bet with the humidity it felt like 120+ in there.:mad:


One of a Kind
That is very sad. If you are responsible enough to make the child, you need to be responsible enough to take care of them.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by DarkPrincess
That is very sad. If you are responsible enough to make the child, you need to be responsible enough to take care of them.

Unfortunately, it doesn't take responsibility to make a child-hell, EVERYTHING , in a matched set, makes offspring-stupidity should be rewarded with the INability to make more:cool:


Staff member
Gotta go with Gonz on this one. Irresponsibility produces hundreds of thousands of children every year, in this country alone. Considering the variety and ease available in the birth control department equals a whole lotta stupid parents out there.


One of a Kind
My daughter was concieved on two forms of BC. I take care of my little girl though. My point is, is that if I am going to have sex, then I need to be ready for the responsibility of the consequences. I admit no one really cares these days, but that is how it should be.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by DarkPrincess
...that if I am going to have sex, then I need to be ready for the responsibility of the consequences.

I admit no one really cares these days

1st point-Unfortunately, most people, in the year 2001 & and about 25years previous & most likely MANY following, are not ready-ESPECIALLY if they are under 26years old. Our society makes parenthood out to be an inconvenience & therefore we have DAY CARE CENTERS. The greatest responsibility of mankind is caring for our next generation. Jobs, families, cars, sporting events, breast implants surgeries, forums, ......can ALL be gone in an instant-a few megaton bombs & they are irrelevant. But, parents, (especially motherhood in the first year) are irreplaceable.

Second-Watch it there-NEVER use a collective when meaning a minority or a plurality-My wife & I are very concerned & caring parents & I KNOW of at least one other father on this board who is too. be careful-not everybody is anything.

and you working parents that don't like my day care center thing-sell your SUV, get a smaller house, quit shopping at Macys & invest your time, not money, into your child. then, if you have to both work, it's a matter of necessity, not choice. also, if day care centers are so good-put your spouse in a situation where someone else cares for all thier needs-see how long the marriage lasts then.


One of a Kind
Taken back in offense. If you are telling me that I should have stayed married for my child than I have some words for you. Go on guess. My SUV is my only bill and my child is well taken care of. I have a schedule so that I can spend as much time with my daughter and still provide for her. Even when I was married, had a car with NO payments on it and a tiny apt, I still had to work to keep her feed and clothed and healty and happy. Don;t say that I am not a caring parent. When I said the noone cares comment, I meant all these people going out and having unsafe sex and lots of children that they not only can't take care of, but choose not to.

If this wasnt directly in reference to me, then why did you quote my post. I appologize if it wasn't but you can see my anger.


Staff member
Originally posted by DarkPrincess
If you are telling me that I should have stayed married for my child
Among other things, I can't imagine how you could have possibly gotten this impression from anything Gonzo said.:confused:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by DarkPrincess
Taken back in offense. If you are telling me that I should have stayed married for my child than I have some words for you. I have a schedule so that I can spend as much time with my daughter and still provide for her. Even when I was married, had a car with NO payments on it and a tiny apt, I still had to work to keep her feed and clothed and healty and happy.
If this wasnt directly in reference to me, then why did you quote my post. I appologize if it wasn't but you can see my anger.

Where did I even mention marriage? In general, yes, parents should do ALL to avoid divorce-the only loser is the kid(s). If a spouse is TRULY abusive, has an unbearable addiction or is adulterous-then divorce may be in order.
hmmmm-think about the phrase you used *I have a schedule so that I can spend as much time with my daughter and still provide for her.* schedules are for work not your kids. And, if you'd have waited until you were 28, you may not have married a man who could not support you & "our" child. Or maybe, you would have worked & he could've stayed home with the little buggers-it's all the same-An AT-HOME parent provides a happier, healthier & more stable environment than any day-care facility in the world.

No, it was not personal, however, you get awfully wound up-is it hitting too close?


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Come on people, play nice. Personal attacks are not allowed (not that I'm saying that it has occurred, but I want to make sure it doesn't). Both of you are making valid points; just keep the above in mind when posting in the future.


Staff member
as far as I know, personal attacks are allowed so long as they don't get out of control (like every other word is in the category of the 10 dirty words)


One of a Kind
Well, I feel bad for only being able to be with my child %50 of her life. I made a schedule working for my mom so that I could stay ome with my daughter. I did try everything to keep the marriage togrther. He cheated on me, verbally and physically abused me, tried to rape me, tried to have sexuall actions with me when I was asleep, he was an alchoalic, did drugs behind my back and still more things I don;t feel like mentioning. I was not able to live with it. My daughter was becoming unhappy because Mommy and Daddy were fighting all the time. Now she is doing much better. Mommy and Dadddy are civil to each other, and she is happy cause we are. I want to stay home with her,I do. And when she is with me, I am with her as much as I can while still supporting her. ANd when I am with her, I don't just sit her down in front of the TV and say here. She and I do stuff, we play games, sports, go places, paint and color, read and learn. I would give my life for her and I get a little touchy when people try to tell me that I am not a good mom cause I have to work and I didn't stay with her daddy and cause I am young.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by DarkPrincess
I did try everything to keep the marriage togrther. He cheated on me, verbally and physically abused me, tried to rape me, tried to have sexuall actions with me when I was asleep, he was an alchoalic, did drugs behind my back and still more things I don;t feel like mentioning. Mommy and Dadddy are civil to each other, and she is happy cause we are.
I would give my life for her and I get a little touchy when people try to tell me that I am not a good mom cause I have to work and I didn't stay with her daddy and cause I am young.

Look, DP-I wouldn't know you if I went up & kissed you as we walked the street. I have NO idea what your precise situation is, outside of the info you 've posted here. I have not said anything to you presonally-except the hitting to close line. So relax, take a chill-pill & get the point behind what I'm saying.
Look at what you wrote-if you had someone tell you those things before you got married, and you listened, things would be COMPLETELY different today. Marriages that take place before the couple is 28yo have a 72% failure rate. After 28, it's lee than 41%-quite a difference. Alot is because as you age & understand YOU, one is less likely to marry a creep who is a drug using alcoholic abusive adulterer peon. The situation lies with you-he didn't do druge BEFORE the marriage? or drink? or abuse? or screw around? say "No, he didn't" and I'll call you a liar. You ignored, overlooked & generally thought it was sexy until it became an everyday nuisance. NOW, after the fact *we're civil to each other*-why, as a mother, do you allow a philandering, drugaddicted alcoholic father to even interact with this child-you couldn't handle it, why should the innocent party have to? Seems like turning the christian over to the lions to me.

Get the bigger picture-it's too late for you-hopefully some 19 yearold "in love" coed somewhere can view this thread & learn before it's too late.


Staff member
Gonzo, I realize that your last statement was directed at one group and not one person but it's still a bit too specific. Just because some people who fall in love young don't know what they're getting into doesn't mean all of them are stupid. I'm only 17 and I won't be 18 until December. I am completely and uterly in love. I'm not STUPID about it though. We've been together for over a year now, we plan to be together for ever. Also, though, we are very careful when it comes to sex, we talk about everything that does or possibly could bother us on the future, we will not be married until we both have our degrees, we will live together before we get married and finally we are both 100% honest with each other. We both do our best in the relationship and someone saying that when people fall in love at a young age it's bound for failure really hurts because some people aren't. My parents were together when my mom was 16 and my dad was 18, his parents got together when they were 16. Now when his parents and my mom (my dad unfortunatly passed away last winter so he won't beable to share our life with us) look at us they see forever for us aswell. So, as you see even though just by looking ta young couples you can tell some won't last forever others have all the elements and a very strong potential to last forever.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Percentages aren't personal-they can't be. You may be the among the lucky 29%-it's good if you are-but the odds are against under 28's getting married. It's simple mathematics.
FYI-Living together INCREASES the odds of divorce. I did it & have been married 10+yrs & lived together 4 and were friends for 6 before that. However, I've usually beaten the odds & we're not dead yet. Good Luck :D