Anthrax scare in my skool :D


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
Tuesday, yesterday, it was like 20 minutes before the bell was gonna ring for us to home, the principle said over the announcments that it was a "code blue" and no one could leave the classroom. 5 minutes later the whole school had to go out into the footbal field. For three god damn hours we had to sit there, or walk around. They said anyone who was in the 900 building had to go to the other side of the field on the visitor bleachers. Which was pretty much everyone. like 6 people were infected, 4 students and 2 teachers. They were throwing up everywhere and shaking and sneezing. Later they let us go home. I got home around 7. 3 hours after i was supposed to be home. It was a strange expierince...


Staff member
Holy Crap! They confirmed that 6 people had contracted anthrax???
...and they just let you go home? did they tell you to take any antibiotics? give you any instructions at all? are you in school today?
Spill it boy, we need more details.


Staff member
Breathe a heavy sigh Posty....he's almost as far away form you as he can get in the continental US. Just outside Atlanta, I beleive.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Ahh. I understand that this Antrax stuff dosen't work so well in moist climates. That's good since it's rained like four days straight now. But those in climates with less humidity aren't so lucky. Man...I really hope your alright man and nothing happens.


Staff member
I'm guessing it was more along the lines of a small flu epidemic, simply because they let and entire school go home....and I'm kinda reading between the lines here, but all the buildings that have actually had cases of anthrax have been locked up tighter than a drum, for testing and eradication purposes. I don't think they would allow anyone near that place, if there was even a remote chance anthrax was present.
10 or 20 years ago hundreds of people died when a minute amount of anthrax was accidentally released through an air filtration system in Russia. I would think the a/c or air recirculation system would be the first thing to be suspect in a school.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I think that was Osborne HS, just north of the city.

And yes, it turned out to be stomach flu. A little puking, nothing worse.


Things like Anthrax are affecting the whole country. Every time someone gets ill with symptoms like Anthrax causes or sees a powder they have to take precautions to determine the validity or origin of the cause of it. These terrorist attacks are costing billions of dollars and having a negative effect on our economy.

I don't know how, but these terrorist attacks and terrorists have got to be negated permanently, that is all there is to it. Maybe someday people will not have to think about terrorism in cases like this.


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
Yes, actually it was a stomach flu, everyone said it was an "anthrax scare" Im not in skool today becuase i had a doc appointment. They said if anyone feels sick to go to cobb hospital(our hospital in ga)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Even if it were anthrax, it wouldn't have mustered such an violent reaction in just a few hours. Amd for those who are paranoid-it is curable. Just go to the doctor before you start hallucinating:rolleyes:


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
Anthrax can be killed by the uv rays from the sun, of course, thats the skin rash version of anthrax.


New Member
My senior year of high school, right after the Columbine shooting, my school had a "school shooting drill." What did they do? Herd us all out to the football field, where it would be easier to mow us all down at once. :rolleyes:


Geez. That makes a lot of sense. They should of got megaphones and yelled run.