7.7 MB of sheer terror!

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
If there are doubts I think it's better not to take chances on it. But I think maybe another host should be considered. Of course none of them would allow porn for example but looks like this one is puttin too much grip on Xi. If you can't even post bad words and girls in bikini, that surely is too much of censorship. Like you use to say just my 2 cents.


New Member
Originally posted by Noite Escura
If there are doubts I think it's better not to take chances on it. But I think maybe another host should be considered. Of course none of them would allow porn for example but looks like this one is puttin too much grip on Xi. If you can't even post bad words and girls in bikini, that surely is too much of censorship. Like you use to say just my 2 cents.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!! The man has some good points, I'm mostly talking about the later part of it! :)


I want to clarify a few points to flavio.

#1. I never looked at the video link you posted. Being that it is 7 mb, that is enough to discourage a lot of people from viewing it. I never made any comments about the video because I never saw it.

#2. The pictures that were posted that I removed the links to were close enough to be nude that I felt the web host might have a problem with it. I only removed those links in the interest of protecting this website from being shut down, not because of any personal preference on my part. Frankly, I don't give a damn what they were.

If you thought this was a personal thing you were mistaken. I do not care one way or the other. I am 36 years old and none of matters to me. However, if some guy were sitting here viewing this site with his kids, he might find those pictures a little too adult and leave disgusted that he can't let his family members see this site.

We also have some young members that are impressionable. I do not feel that those pictures were in good taste.

#3. I did find pornography at the link of one of the sites that you posted. It is true on the exact link that you posted there is none. After looking around at that site I found a picture of a topless girl that does not look to be 18 years old.

#4. If the host for Xi allowed nude pictures or had given the okay for the swimsuit pictures, I would have had no problem with those pictures you posted. However, they did not okay it. Sam even sent them an email asking for permission which they did not give.

#5. There was nothing personal between you and me concerning these issues. I was only trying to do what a moderator is supposed to do.

#6. Since my opinion as a moderator doesn't seem to count for much as you reminded me that you are one too, I am wondering why I even bother doing it.


Staff member
Here's an idea: Why doesn't everybody just relax, cool their jets, step away from the koolaid and drop the issue?

In its current state, XiBase will not allow borderline pictures of any kind, and will pounce on links to any pages containing pornography.

The host we are soon leaving, but are still hosted on for the time being has not clearly defined what they would or would not allow. So to be safe and ensure that we are not suddenly shut down and left with no website at all, borderline pics are removed. Links to pornography are removed. Please bear with us here, as someone could view this web site in an environment where they could get in trouble for it (work, school, around family, etc).

As much as you may like posting pornography, at the current time there is no need and there will be no toleration of it.

Period. Enough said. Drop the subject now, before I lock this thread back.

(For the record, that 7.7 meg video has scarred me for life :lol: )

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Can we get along here? I sense this can turn into hard discussion without much effort. There's no need for hard feelings guys. We all can agree with flavio that wasn't porn/gay at all and that was posted simply for fun, and with s4 and NEO with the fact that the pictures needed to be removed due to current situation with the web host . Everyone agree with me? Can we let this thread die please?
[Edit:] damn fury you beat me! :p


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Agreed; while everyone is making valid points, I guess it is to say it is I who dropped the ball. While I do admit I did not really know what Sam's host allows/disallows, I should have erred more on the side of caution. While it does not bend me out of shape (hell, you go work in SF for 5+ years ;)), it did make me think about whether or not to leave it. I should have had more of a discussion with Brock (who posted the pics), s4 (who felt it could be a problem) and Flavio (who originally posted the link). I guess I wanted to hear more comments about it before I myself made any action. But it is hard not to have a real time conversation since all those wonderful programs are blocked here at work.

In the future, if anyone has a problem with anything, let someone know either publicly or privately. I can't always promise to be here anytime something happens (and that goes for everyone; no one can watch the board all the time (although fury comes pretty close ;))) but I'll try to be.

Aw crap, now I'm rambling again...


Originally posted by s4
I reopen this thread that I had previously locked because Flavio reminded me that he is a mod too and warned me not mess with his threads.:scared: :grin:

You should have left the thread closed. Any other comments are hidden behind the banner .N.C.


Staff member
Oh right , everybody loves porn! :lol:

It's amazing that this problem got stirred up by someone who didn't even actually watch the movie and yet was able determine the singers sexual orientation.

The motion picture industry could probably use talent like that. After merely looking at a promotional poster for a moment a rating could then be assigned to a movie thus saving enormous amounts of time.