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  1. Q

    can't get rid of excite

    I got a lotta extra stuff too...but for some reason, it gives me great comfort to be surrounded by hardware. :D
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    All for wine & Wine4all

    #2 is correct :)
  3. Q

    New desktop

    Oooh, Shadowfax, I'd like that proggie. Could you add it to the links forum?
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    can't get rid of excite

    I have an SMP barricade. I ordered it through the buy dot com ad at the top of this page. With the rebate it was cheaper than the ones at Best Buy. Yes it acts as a firewall. (if it makes ya feel any better, I bought a hub first too, pad) ...but two of my machines are 70' from the other one...
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    New desktop

    May I see what's behind door number 3, please?
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    Wow! that mullet grew fast

    Eiw, I've seen enough. Outlaw..go buy some razors.:scared:
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    can't get rid of excite

    Yes, you can have several computers on a single acct. but you need a router, the router will automatically assign IPs to the different machines. Right now I have mine set up through a hub and I pay for seperate IP's. That should be changing today though :)
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    I'm going to grow a mullet

    Maybe he wants that quasi-tuna smell on his face. :D
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    William B. "Slingblade" Thornton: Attorney at Law

    *throws cheese in wbt's general direction*
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    I'm going to grow a mullet

    They're crappy ol bottom feeders here in Florida...cheapest fish you can buy...cheaper than bait even.:sick:
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    can't get rid of excite

    leave out the part about the dialup...ya gotta be able to reboot without losing your settings every time.:eh: ...and it got wacky after you rebooted and before you uninstalled the dial up stuff, right?
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    Wank like a man, talk like a man

    I think flurf must need to wank...apparently he's gone sybil on us.:spin:
  13. Q

    can't get rid of excite

    I'm pretty clueless about networking too pad. My puters aren't even speaking to each other:smash: However, I do have some advice! I would call up @ home and say what the hell did you people do to my computers? They were perfectly fine till your tech came out...make them come and fix it.
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    Monitor resolution

    Holy Crap!!! I knew I'd feel like a retard when I got this answer. :D:retard:
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    Monitor resolution

    For the time being I'm stuck using a crappy 14" monitor. I have the resolution set at 640x480 because if I try to go higher I lose my task bar and scroll bars and it's just impossible to work with. Is there anyway to go with a higher res. and still have functionality? I just tried to upload...
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    Printer problem

    s4 the ink cartridge was bad? I'm having the exact same problem. Error sending to LPT1. I put a brand new cable on. d/led the drivers and an update from HP. I took the ink cartriges out, but it's too hard to tell if they have ink in them. I didn't want to waste money on ink if the printer...
  17. Q

    s4 here

    That was a lovely pictoral essay. I enjoyed it very much. ....and guess what? I have that very same desk top! I just took some pics...I'll add them to my post.
  18. Q

    why palestenians throw rocks There ya go! Sorry I didn't see your request till now pad-baby.:o
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    krusty aka krust-ich

    I think he was the valedictorian! :D
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    name: susie kirkwood age: not as old as krusty location: The lightning capital of the world occupation: marble & granite (semi retired) :D interests: computers and I like to make stuff. ( I like to design stuff and make kirk build it even more, but he's getting uncooperative) 3 Dogs...