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  1. Q

    Name that (movie) quote

    I think the Lone Ranger said it too. do I win? what do I get?
  2. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    pssst, br0ck! him is a her :D ...and where the heck is tril0Byte?
  3. Q

    I hate doing resumes

    Hmmm, except for the fact that it sounds like the place is going under, it kinda seems like a dream job. Daaaaaang. Have you considered doing a hostile takeover of Lexmark or HP?? Entertaining, yet productive! That's my suggestion. :cool:
  4. Q

    I thought I was computer stupid.

    What if you donated the sound card? It wouldn't be personal would belong to the company! :D
  5. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hellooooooo jodie!!! :wave: Welcome to the boards! Enjoy!
  6. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    *smacks Crabbles* well, post more! :smash:
  7. Q

    Neo is in the hospital

    :wave: YAY!!! NEO'S HOME!!! :love: HI NEO!
  8. Q

    Hey Mr. Mechanic

    Mercury is a division of FORD, ya retard. :retard:
  9. Q

    I hate doing resumes

    Fuser, haven't you worked there for quite a long time? How come you want to quit? How can I pick on you without all the pertinent information? :D Please provide more details!
  10. Q

    Greatest album ever made

    That would be too cool!!! :cool:
  11. Q

    Greatest album ever made

    Who appointed you music critic?? :worm: ....not that it matters, nobody ever pays any attention to the critics anyway. :p tralalala
  12. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Don't you think some of those little cocktail wienies would be the perfect compliment?? (especially compared to the chinese food Gonz requested/demanded, which does not go with all!)
  13. Q

    Greatest album ever made

    OK, so it's a tough choice. :worm: but greatest hits was more diversified....I really feel it demonstrated the true depth of their talent.
  14. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    ok, have it your way...bring us a buncha BEER! :beerchug: :D
  15. Q

    Greatest album ever made

    Hey :wave: I think you neglected to mention Alvin and the Chipmunks!
  16. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome tazzbaby :wave: ENJOY!!
  17. Q

    Online survey's

    Even though you can't spend the money any way you want, it's still pretty cool. $250.00 ain't just chump change. :thup:
  18. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome Mute!! :wave: HIYA!!
  19. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Again with the vodka and chinese food....who made you the director of catering?? we want cocktail wienies and some of wineys blueberry wine!
  20. Q

    How do you keep your mind occupied?

    *passes Gonz a cigarette* :spin2: