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  1. Q

    original food fight thread

    Oooh, I hate chicken noodle rest for the wicked bucko! *splatters Gonz with borscht and spaetzel*
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    Early AM work

    I'm losing faith in these "crack manufacturing people" ...why didn't they already have their product in stock, don't they know how to do inventory? You just need to be firm with them. Tell them: a lack of planning on their part does not constitute an emergency on your part.
  3. Q

    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    I thought all guys were instinctively ambidexterous, when it comes to "dating" :worm:
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    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    ROFLMAO :D:D:D So, did sissyboy get fired because you broke your foot...or was he stupid enough to acomplish it all on his own?
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    Probably a dumb question....but

    Mt T-bird is finally functional! I called @home to get a 2nd IP address for it and all they said to do was assign it the same number as this computer, except put a "c" on the end (this one is "a"). Now, hopefully I'm also going to be adding a 3rd computer to the network as well, but I don't...
  6. Q

    original food fight thread

    How do ya think all the fighting got started in the first place? :D *pokes opposite butt cheek*
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    Perpetual Welcome Thread

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    Well........yeah :D
  9. Q

    Pizza Ramen Chips and Pepsi = Good

    Diet Pepsi :thup: Diet Coke :thdown:
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    scary thought!!

    Those cushion ones have drawbacks too, like they form a vacuum to your ass....a bond not easily broken. Also, if it's hot and your butt just happens to be sweating...well, use your imagination. The damn things are dangerous. :scared:
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    What possesses them to do this?

    That's messed up flurf. You need to call your dad and make him take a couple hours out of his day to come over to your house and deal with them. I guarantee they don't think he will and that's why they are keeping this shit up. Also, if you put them in their room, make them stay in there for...
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    I LOVE that strategy!! Why only Monday? Is it in effect only during pregnancy? oh yeah...WELCOME BACK PROF!! :wave:
  13. Q

    so...what is your favorite smell

    Orange blossoms and clean sheets....and Brut (don't ask) :eh:
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    Yeah, I checked a couple days ago...his last post was Aug 3rd. Where the heck is prof? ...and how is v3.0 doing?
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    squooshy keyboard

    I love that site. I think it's cool that you can turn the fans off if you want to. I'm wondering what it would be like to type on that thing though.
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    squooshy keyboard

    $34.99 for a PS2 $36.99 for a USB (and you left out hubby from your misbehaving list) :D heres a link to the site:
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    squooshy keyboard

    I'm thinking of getting one of these babies, just cuz I think they look really cool....anybody have one, or ever used one?
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    Name that (movie) quote

    Is this a movie quote or a threat? :D
  19. Q

    What possesses them to do this?

    Well, if your mom won't let you duct tape them to the chairs, I suggest getting a couple of hasps and combination locks. Hasps are prolly less than 2 bucks at the hardware store. Screw them right to the door frames. Lock one or both rooms as necessary.
  20. Q

    scary thought!!

    will prime rib and boloney sammiches fit in a feeding tube? :D