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  1. Q


    Are those really your doggies?? They're adorable. :cry2: I wanna new baby puppy now.
  2. Q


    The puppies are beautiful and so is your little blondie. :thup: :)
  3. Q


    Well I like all kinds of puppies...but I already have 3. I'd love to see pics, if you have some though :)
  4. Q


    Ooooh...what kind of puppies????
  5. Q


    Those were hilarious! :D:D:D
  6. Q


    Well, this is odd: from the intel website Intel® Home PC Camera Updates & Drivers Updates: No patches at this time Drivers: No drivers at this time texashoney what exactly are you trying to do? did the software for the camera not install from the cd? or can't you find the...
  7. Q

    1000+ Threads in SE

    You may want to see a sample of Victors lady friends before you don't make that promise. :D
  8. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    A 2 gig rig and breakfast???? You have my undivided attention. :D
  9. Q

    XiBase Hunters...

    Mr. Deerinthemiddle doesn't look all that happy about the situation :D
  10. Q

    1000+ Threads in SE

    Ok. I promise not to touch any of your lady friends Victor.:worm:
  11. Q

    XiBase Hunters...

  12. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    :D How many chicks do ya know that can weasel WU's out of a router??? Actually, the t-bird has been no-netting for a couple weeks and the whole Stanford scandal had me in a panic. I mighta had to drive out to Cali and choke Stefan myself if I didn't get credit for every last little...
  13. Q

    1000+ Threads in SE

  14. Q


    Texashoney, I'm not sure if this is what you need, but give it a whirl. If this isn't what you need, post a model number for your camera and I'll see if I can nail it down. :)
  15. Q

    All I want for X-mas is....

    exactly! I want it after he put the money into's good for another year at least :D
  16. Q

    All I want for X-mas is....

    well Fuser, if you're not gonna drive anywhere....can I have the car? :D
  17. Q

    There's NO Need to Fear....

    bite me
  18. Q

    All I want for X-mas is....

    Jeez, I didn't ask for Jake....Mrs. Fuser would kick my ass. I can tell. She just looks all meek and innocent in the pics. One sideways look at her kid...your talking creamed chipped Q on toast. :scared: what about that car? :D
  19. Q

    All I want for X-mas is....

    How bout that Mustang??'s a Ford. ...and you want me to but you a DVD player? :D:D:Dthat's what it says...but. *snickers*
  20. Q

    A Quote for our pal Outlaw

    oooh, I remember :scared: *runs away*