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  1. Q

    How much would you bet...

    Oooh threaten him with the quick restore fair, no fair:scared:
  2. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    You might have to buy me breakfast RM. A power outage creamed my network today. Only one machine has net access :cry: ...and my other 1 gig t-bird is being persnickity...:cry2:
  3. Q


    There are a buncha links on this page that should have some info for you. For specific legal advice concerning your particular situation, you will need to consult with a local attorney. Should your attorney require a list of...
  4. Q

    office assistant/ office 2000

    Huge is not gay and neither is Bubba!:smash:
  5. Q

    office assistant/ office 2000

    He can if he wants :D:sex:
  6. Q


    I haven't been driving much. The last tank of gas I put it my truck lasted over a month and I notice there are some cobwebs going from the sideview mirror to the door. :scared:
  7. Q

    office assistant/ office 2000

    Yeah, we checked and assistant is definately enabled...he just went into attack mode. :retard: She had to go to her office for a while, but I'll have her back up her stuff and give reinstalling office a shot when she gets home...thanks s4 :love:
  8. Q

    office assistant/ office 2000

    In method 2 of your previous post, if you choose reinstall office, would that delete any work she has saved? ...would she need to make back ups of any files she has in there....or would they be unaffected by the reinstall? (I already tried method 1, which didn't work, but my power went out in...
  9. Q

    How much would you bet...

    oxymoron...moron :D...there is no way to truly lock a fury out!
  10. Q

    I know this doesn't belong in here, but.........

    Couldn't they overnight them, for about 30 bucks?
  11. Q

    office assistant/ office 2000

    Unfortunately she likes this dumb little feature. This is an older lady, only semi-computer literate...but she follows instructions well. This thing came in very handy for her. She helps my mom out alot, so I try to do whatever I can to help her.
  12. Q

    office assistant/ office 2000

    My moms friend has office 2000 on her machine. She said she has used the office assistant sucessfully in the past and it talked her through some various steps for the application she was using (excel, word...etc) Now the little guy goes into seizures and curls up in a little ball and refuses to...
  13. Q

    I know this doesn't belong in here, but.........

    I don't trust this refurbished crap...I'd spring for the extra and get a brand new one.:eh:
  14. Q

    Game: Button Button

  15. Q

    Isn't it NEOs b-day?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMMY!!! :beerchug:
  16. Q

    Game: Button Button

    DING DING DING!!! ...button to flurf :)
  17. Q

    Game: Button Button

    credit cards after christmas
  18. Q

    How much would you bet...

    I wouldn't call you an idiot....but I had to go with choice #1 just because I know you would bite your way into that case in the event you had no tools or hands. :D
  19. Q

    Game: Button Button

  20. Q

    You heard it here first!

    I have actually heard stories of baby alligators getting into peoples tubs and toilets down here....but I don't think they're organized or anything. :D