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  1. Q

    Green Beans With Roasted Red Bell Peppers

    Yeah quit grocery shopping at hardware stores :D ...and here's a little hint: oddball stuff, like the canned red peppers, can usually be found (if they're not in the regular canned veggie aisle) in the ethnic food area.
  2. Q

    Who give a **** about New York when whales and elephants are dying?

    That little morons money train just went off the tracks. :rolleyes: I don't imagine there are alot of employment opportunities in the same tax bracket for ex boy band members.
  3. Q

    Whackman road rage

    Gene wasn't really the instigator...but the headline kinda leads you to believe he is.. I hate it when they do that. From everything I've read and seen, Gene seems like a real nice guy and a hard working actor. This writer clearly tried to give the impression he was a bully. :mad:
  4. Q

    On this date in history

    Harry Houdini must have died in massive amounts of pain...and he must have smelled pretty bad too.:sick:
  5. Q

    There ...

    It looks just beautifulllllllll na!! :)
  6. Q

    statsman is pissing me off

    Just needed to say you were.
  7. Q

    Printscreen for Blondes

    They're scareda redheads. :D
  8. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    oops, forgot the Rancheroo.
  9. Q

    Traumatized by networking

    *UPDATE* The host computer( a K6-233) lost its HDD as a result of the power failure, so it's out of commission temporarily. However, the other two machines (both 1gig t-birds) are networked and working just fine.:thup: :)
  10. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    If you are referring to Broncos, they did come with a 170 cid motor, but the 200 was not an option. :p
  11. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    we are only talkng about 1966 fords with inline 6 cylinder engines...if you got another model..lets hear it.
  12. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    I don't believe so. no.
  13. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    Mustangs, fairlaines, f100's, e100's and falcons.
  14. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    66 :p
  15. Q

    Right Now!!!!!

    Jeez, a little warning woulda been nice. The sheep almost saw that. They'd be in a total uproar if they thought they were getting two timed by a giraffe :D ...and she looks pretty damn happy br0xen.:lol:
  16. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!'s right
  17. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    200 :p
  18. Q

    Right Now!!!!!

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....I love giraffes! That needs to be my new desktop. :love:
  19. Q

    Listen up punks

    What crap? Everybody was always well behaved on my watch :D