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  1. Q

    Hello right back AT ya !!

    1-5-3-6-2-4. Firing order of a Ford inline 6cyl. Intake, compression, power, exhaust. Strokes of a 4 stroke internal combustion engine.....Just call me Mrs.Goodwrench. :D With this extreme wealth of knowledge I possess, I may be a tad overqualified...but if you need me to be the auxillary mod...
  2. Q


    BD, I'm sure you're prolly busy, but let us know what happens...and if you need our support in the form of emails or phone calls, just say the word. Nobody should lose their job after investing 24 years of their life.
  3. Q


    I just saw a commercial for that movie. I love Gene Hackman and Danny Devito. I might actually go see this one. Haven't had any movie theatre popcorn in ages.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. Q

    should the war in Afganistan be over soon?

    I heard on GMA this morning that the taliban is strategically parking all their vital important stuff in and next to mosques now. They also poisoned food we sent in to feed the innocent afgani people...and told them the US sent it there poisoned in an attempt to turn even more people against...
  5. Q

    Printscreen for Blondes

    *grabs Tweetys butt* heard me :D
  6. Q

    Printscreen for Blondes

    Did I mumble? :retard:
  7. Q

    Printscreen for Blondes

    no no no...I said "natural" :smash::D
  8. Q

    Ride Manufacturer: Woman Was Too Big

    What a sucky way to die...buuuut they're right, if they would have set a weight limit somebody would have sued tham for discrimination. I'm sure all those rides say ride at your own risk.
  9. Q

    Take the Mensa workout exam

    Yeah, the test was pretty cool. :thup:
  10. Q

    Take the Mensa workout exam

    24 out of 30. Tralalalala:evillaff:
  11. Q

    Printscreen for Blondes

    I'm not really blonde. I pay big bucks for those "natural" looking streaks. :p *digs broken POS HP printer out of the closet...bonks fuser*
  12. Q

    Traumatized by networking

    Yeah, I guess I did :retard: it any wonder I can't master networking? I can't tell one end from the other.:rolleyes:
  13. Q

    Traumatized by networking

    Oooh ooh ooh...I just happen to have not one but 2 spare nics! All I gotta do is scrap with that desk and win.:smash: [little caboose] I think I can, I think I can [/little caboose] Thanks!
  14. Q

    Whacked url of the day

    Ok, that was most definately whacked...and I don't even have sound today. (new prob...wayyyy down the list of priorites) Inquiring minds wanna in the hell did you find that thing?:spin:
  15. Q

    Interview with Paul McCartney

    Ya know, I haven't really thought about a Beatles reunion is a long time. All the old rumors got people wound up a few times. but they never happened. I would never expect the band to reunite for even as long as a tour...but you'd think after all this time they could get past what ever it was...
  16. Q

    Traumatized by networking

    request timed out request timed out request timed out request timed out *SOBS*
  17. Q

    Traumatized by networking

    They are both set to obtain IP automatically. I originally thought maybe the nic puked. (hence why it disappeared from the protocol and not device mgr)...but I called the router tech support and the girl (whom I believe knows less about this than I do:scared: ) had me ping the nic and she...
  18. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    *pulls over, brushes dust off, nibbles on dry toast and sobs gently*:cry2: . . . . . . . :worm: I'll be back, ya know....*desperately tries to squeeze more wu's out of router*....I'll be back:evillaff:
  19. Q

    Traumatized by networking

    :cry: when I told it to add protocol and and selected TCP/IP under microsoft, it didn't add the nic, it just gave me another TCP/IP window just like the one I already had. (with DNS, Bindings, IP addy..all that stuff) One thing I did notice though, is that the gateways were kinda hinky. The...
  20. Q

    Traumatized by networking

    Yesterday my power went out for an hour for no apparent reason. After it was restored I lost my internet connection on the host computer of my network. The guest computer connects just fine, so I'm assuming there was no damage to the cable modem or the router. I attempted to restore the...