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  1. Q

    How to tell if your computer is mad at you

    Oh yeah....that too. :worm:
  2. Q

    Contest....get your name on the AMD Die wallpaper....

    Handicaps??? Does Mrs Gonzo think it's a handicap to be a girl?:smash: ....and besides I was counting on the fact the CDS is more of a gentleman than you :p
  3. Q

    How to tell if your computer is mad at you

  4. Q

    Miss ME?

    Of course we missed you BD! :worm:
  5. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    I don't wanna egg him on too much....he's got 3 mobos in transit...and well...HARK! what am I saying? Bring it on monkeyboy! :D
  6. Q

    Might wanna check this out.

    That was great. :thup:
  7. Q

    What a laugh riot!

    ummm, from where??
  8. Q

    I'm back, so watch it...

    I believe that was SSP. :eek::sick:
  9. Q

    I'm back, so watch it...

    Space saving?? Izzat what you call hugging in Kiwiville? :D Looked like a big fat public display love... to me :sick: :lol:
  10. Q

    I'm back, so watch it...

    Ooh ooh, I saw it! wussy clown, wussy clown.:D:worm:
  11. Q

    Hey, Winey

    :wave: Oh there you are! :love:
  12. Q

    For those who have trouble cleaning out their hard drives

    It matters! The tutorial was quite specific about using the proper wonder your drive is acting up.:eh:
  13. Q

    Guys on Planes

    Was that all they said? They arrested them? No mention of ties to any terrorist organizations?
  14. Q

    Emergency password protection help!!!

    Yup :( honing her evil skills on a daily basis. Apparently her work on earth is not complete, as she has not been sucked back into the bowels of hell yet.
  15. Q

    Hey, Winey

    winey??? winey who?:eh:
  16. Q

    A Case With 1700+ CFM!!!!!!!!

    Hey DJ, how did you achieve the classic marble look? I'm actually toying with the idea of building one out of marble myself.
  17. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    RM your site is awesome....excellent job! ...and yeah, you said wife :worm: :D
  18. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    Wow...great price! And a very noble effort, donating the puters :thup: I admire that alot. I just shipped a pretty good stash of goodies to a guy at the lightside that does that too. Looks like I may just have to bring out the auxillary artillery: Mom's puter..... :D
  19. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    It's still in transit...maybe you can snag it at a hub and divert it to Sarasota! What is it? Not that it matters, I'm sure I need one.:worm:
  20. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    Lets have chocolate covered grasshoppers for dessert! :D