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  1. Q

    Its the weekend.....

    I would like to place an order for some of the 2nd #2 and #3 please.:spin2:
  2. Q

    Its the weekend.....

    I'm too weak to go vat diving.:snooze: I think some wine would help.
  3. Q


    Don't fret Mr. Monkey, go move your boss. I will be ready to do battle when you get back. I've been kinda holding off on adding the mom-box secret weapon anyway. I really need to get her a UPS before I put her machine on 24/7. Now here's what I suggest for those pos comcrap PSU's. Dig an...
  4. Q

    Photoshop 6 try-out sucks!!

    Right now I like it better cuz the trial version is functional. :D
  5. Q

    Photoshop 6 try-out sucks!!

    Yeah, so far I like psp just fine. I could have made my puppy pic a little smaller for the dial up people, but I was too lazy to take it back down and do it I put a nice warning in the title instead :D
  6. Q

    Photoshop 6 try-out sucks!!

    I certainly don't mind paying for software, and I did like some of the features of PS....but I'm not adept enough at graphics to justify spending over 600.00 on one piece of software. I think I prolly used about 10.00 worth of that copy I had. I don't feel too bad about that.
  7. Q

    Photoshop 6 try-out sucks!!

    I do have a burner s4, however, in my usual mode of I'll do it tomorrow, I never burned PS6 to disc. :( and the untimely demise of that HDD and the fact that Outlaw helped me "find" the copy that I had pretty much eliminated any cooperation I may have gotten from adobe.:cry: :o
  8. Q


    :lurk: oh posts for almost 12 hours...I hope monk hasn't been building boxes all night.:eek2:
  9. Q

    Baby puppies (big pic warning)

    Baby puppies These are my brothers new Jack Russell terrier babies. Thanks to Huge, I can post them now. :) There are 2 girls and 1 boy.
  10. Q

    Quick question

    There is a passwords thingy in control panel...I'm not too sure what you mean exactly.
  11. Q

    Its the weekend.....

    Tralalalala...partay at winays !!! yeah yeah :beerchug: Hey? we we be serving some of that yummy blueberry wine??
  12. Q

    Cable Modems

    I have an SMC Barricade too. Excellent product and outstanding customer service. However, if your line speed is way below what it's supposed to be I'd definately call the cable company and complain.
  13. Q

    How to tell if your computer is mad at you

    He's always bad....just the other day I had to email the entire Gawd-squad just to get his attention. It was an emergency.
  14. Q


    Oh, and may I offer you a chocolate coverd grasshopper and some champagne in anticipation of your new position under the 1000 mark?:cool:
  15. Q


    Yikes! :scared: *ducks outta the way of flying hardware*:worm:
  16. Q


    Tralalalala I'm in the top 1000 :D:worm: susie Current rank: 996 out of 13635 users Total units processed: 5811.80 Total genes designed: 370 Genoming since: Wed Apr 4 00:00:00 2001 Last unit returned: Fri Nov 9 12:00:01 2001 (PDT)
  17. Q

    Photoshop 6 try-out sucks!!

    Thanks Huge...psp it is! I did have a full version, till the HDD crapped out on the comcrap...about 3 gigs of mp3s and ps6 *poof* :cry:
  18. Q

    Photoshop 6 try-out sucks!!

    My brothers Jack Russell terrier just had 3 little baby puppies. He sent me a bunch of pictures but they are about 900 million kb, which is too large to post here. So I figured I'd just d/l the try out version of ps6 so I could make them small enought to post, but is not an...
  19. Q

    How to tell if your computer is mad at you

    :wave:sorry SK, it's been a crazy better calm down this weekend.:smash:
  20. Q

    I'm back, so watch it...

    rut roh....looks like Herschel's in trouble:scared: