Could be either Huge, but my guess would be granite, as it's much more dense than marble, far more resistant to the elements. Also there's a buttload of it around there. NYC is sitting on granite.
That exhibit was awesome Gonz. :thup:
Don't feel bad pad. Even if all of us here threw in every dime we have, we couldn't afford to build a house like that.
I'm sure if your living room came out as nice as the pics I saw of your office, it looks just beautiful!:thup:
I'm well aware of the Onion....Are you aware that there are actually 80# babies? 3 year old should weigh more than 30 pounds (and that's pushing it):lurk:
I knew it!!..that damn pipeline goes straight to the keys.
Exxon, the equal opportunity fish killers:(
Well, I won't support their effort, I only buy cheap-shit 40 grade at 7-11 :D
The chick that sat in front of me in geometry used to get stoned every single day before school. (we had geometry 1st period)...I bet if they woulda done the dog thing back then, everybody around her woulda got busted. And the bad part is: she got straight A's, I had no clue what was going on...
Ooooh, I saw the black blob stuff in the paper! Weird part is the marine biologists can't even figure out what it is. I bet it stinks baaaad down there.:sick: It's staying 3 hours south of where I live for now....and it better stay that way:whip:
Bonny Doon State Beach is popular with nudists and young people. Allyn said there have been numerous problems at the beach with drug use, sexual assaults and violence, including homicides.
...and the bodies were found by civilians, wouldn't you think the cops would patrol it a little better...
I bet it's not. I've watched a couple of those shows and the parents are incredible. Some of these people actually do take pride in having disgustingly fat kids.
The part about 12 hamburgers a day since birth sounds like bullshit though. Even if you could figure out how to get a hamburger...