And how come?
Me: Shooter games are my most favorite, because I don't like to have to do a lot of quick thinking while I'm in the middle of a game, and all shooter games require is that you point (preferrably at the other team, in team games :D) and shoot and evade incoming shots.
I like...
Face it. You gotta plop down the cash in order to get some cooling for your system.
So the question is how much are you willing to spend?
I am willing to spend up to $99.99 because I know cooling is the most important part of my system's stability (and therefore overclockability)
And how did you come to this decision?
Me: Probably a desktop palomino, because they consume less power, run cooler, and should be able to reach higher clock speeds :D
And why?
Me: Genome@Home, because I like the objective of the project (better understanding of the human genome) and because I like the competition (I'm currently hovering around the lower-to-mid 300s in standing)
T-bird 1.2 @ 1.4
Duron 700 @ 1026
K6-2 400
K6 233
T-bird 850 (losing it though :()
Also had a P4 1.3 crunching for about a day, but he gave up on it too :( :( :(
Oh well
Don't mind me, just spamming the new forum that was just added not too long ago.
<a href="">You will click here. Resistance is Futile™.</a>
Hello and welcome to the distributed computing forum. :)
We are currently looking into affiliating with a site that contributes to <a href="">Genome@Home</a>, a distributed computing program associated with the Human Genome project, which aims at helping to better...
Think about it for a second...
Our eyes receive light and color signals in full detail and in infinite visible colors.
Our ears receive sound wave signals of a HUGE range of frequencies, with an unlimited amount of channels, from all around us.
Our noses bring in the air that reoxidizes the...
OK, I admit General isn't the best name in the world for a forum like this, so I'm posting a message asking for everyone's ideas on what name to assign this forum.
Throw around as many ideas as you'd like. Once we see one that pushes all the right buttons, has all the right ring to it, and most...
I need to know approximately how many users here use browsers that do not like the sliding menu (e.g. displays incorrectly, prematurely pops out), or just do not like/want the menu appearing
List your browser name and version, and if you are having problems/dont want the menu, describe the...
The gallery is now up, email me with your picture and any comments you'd like to be shown with it
Incidentally, this is the 1000th post in the General forum :)
I was just wondering, cause I use a couple different text sizes occasionally and was curious as to what everyone else uses.
For my main monitor (11.5"), I use a text size of Normal (the middle option) cause it's just the right size at 800x600 and 1024x768.
On 19" monitors where I'm free to...
As i was testing out my duron system yesterday, I noticed that it can play Q3 pretty damn fast for an 8 meg card (I just have to lower the resolution and use 16 bit mode... lol) so I wanted to check out UT with it...
So I set it up and tried to start it, and it came up windowed (I think that's...
Durons are as low as $29 now and many of them can achieve 30-50% overclocks using simple air cooling.
30-50% these days is a lot of power...
I love overclocking ;)
I just felt like saying that.
Carry on
I put a different hard drive in the duron (luckily it still had windows installed, and most of my drivers were there... only took 2 hours to reconfigure it for a dedicated crunching machine) installed Genome, let it download a unit and complete the first sequence. Then I switched it over to run...
Check your profile. It's called "Avatar URL"
Enter a full url including the http://
Keep them below 20k and don't let them interfere with the layout of the board.
Some of you might notice you already have avatars... well, then there's no need to go into your profile then is there? :p