Search results

  1. fury

    1000 threads!

    Yippie! <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><marquee width="8"><font size="2" face="Courier New">WOOHOO</marquee></td><td><marquee width="8"><font size="2" face="Courier New">OOHOOW</marquee></td><td><marquee width="8"><font size="2" face="Courier...
  2. fury

    Show your desktops! (Warning: Could get lots of big images)

    If you don't know how, minimize all windows so that you can see your desktop, and then hit Print Screen. Go into a paint program like Jasc Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop and paste it into a new image Save it as something.jpg and either upload it to your web space and link it here, or...
  3. fury

    Whacked story of the night

    here ;)
  4. fury

    Distributed Computing Potential

    What is your ultimate DC potential? What I'm talking about is processors that are able to be put to use provided the system for it. Meaning, they WOULD WORK. Burned, crushed, killed, deep fried, or cracked CPUs that do not work do not count. In my house, I have a maximum potential of about...
  5. fury

    flurffy's mug shot

    He stood still long enough for me to snap a picture... (warning, the following picture may send chills down your spine)
  6. fury

    On deciding who to marry

    "You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." -- Allan, age 10
  7. fury


  8. fury

    Useless Trivia

    ICQ is hosted in Israel :retard: :eek: ICQ Usage notices
  9. fury


    dad's '94 T-bird, lately, has been getting repairs that cost more than outright buying another T-bird. Would it be worth the risk of taking over the insurance/license payments just to get a car I'm (sort of) familiar with?
  10. fury

    woohoo, 5000 posts!

    Seems like yesterday we barely had 1000. Keep em comin, people! :D :smash: :smash: :smash:
  11. fury

    cross-forum post (programming language assistance) Thanks
  12. fury

    Programming language assistance

    I want to make a communication program similar to ICQ, and I want to know what programming language would be best to do that. My previous programming knowledge includes: BASIC Light C Even lighter C++ (got as far as Hello world, then the page I was learning from lost me) Javascript I...
  13. fury

    I think I'm going to give linux a try

    Windows is a piece of crap. So I'm gonna give Linux a try on my duron and see if it works. Any pointers I should know about? It's a duron 700 (overclockable to 1 gig, until today) with 128 megs of ram. I know I won't be able to use the winmodem in Linux, but I just wanted to check Linux out
  14. fury

    Weee! XiBase has passed 500 threads

    In a little over a month, this small (for now) community has already said stuff about over 500 different topics! :D :grin: :) :wave: :smash:
  15. fury

    pew... someone open the friggin window

    I made a major dump from my 2 main machines... 627 units worth :smash:
  16. fury


    get on ICQ or PM or something...
  17. fury

    Distributed Computing

    SETI@Home Intel-United Devices Cancer Research Project Folding@Home Genome@Home
  18. fury

    Favorite programming language?

    What is it, and why? Me: HTML! :D Cause I said so.
  19. fury

    Is fury a poll nut?

  20. fury

    What flavor of Unix?

    I don't have any *nix's installed but I do have Redhat 7 cds...