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  1. Q

    Everyone post your pic's here!

    He looks mad. Quick! give him a pepsi!!!!
  2. Q


    I sure hope he doesn't teach macro-economics.
  3. Q


    Did you actually listen to this broadcast? What course does this guy teach?
  4. Q

    The next Darwin Award winners?

    If that kid B-B-Qed his weenie good enough not to reproduce justice would be served.
  5. Q

    i hate age

    Acid, Acid, Acid....your post led me to believe she was only a grade behind YOU. 3 years is a HUGE difference in high school. *switches to Gonz's side*
  6. Q

    i hate age

    I kinda gotta go with Acid on this one. If she's a grade below because she missed the cut off date then she's prolly only a few months younger....not a big issue, in most cases. Does dad know this girl? Maybe he's basing his judgement on something besides her actual age. If he never met her...
  7. Q

    I knew there was a reason to go to AA...

    You don't want a rich chick....just a nice one:kiss: ....right?:smash:
  8. Q

    Moment of silence

  9. Q

    You guys are in trouble now...

    Thanks kicken:wave:
  10. Q

    The dog's rules

    ....and this is a problem.............because???? :D
  11. Q

    Who changed my member status thingie?

    Yes, I notice yours is quite creative :D :p I think you should go with something a little more accurate like: Imperial Wizard of the Boards or perhaps Director of Cyberspace.
  12. Q

    I am having a Bad week......

    Your rent got raised by $400.00 a month???
  13. Q

    I got my driver's license, stay off the roads!

    Holy cow flav, that's pretty bad:evillaff: how didja manage to do that?
  14. Q

    I got my driver's license, stay off the roads!

    WAY TO GO FLURF!!!! :thup: when are you gonna come down here?
  15. Q

    You guys are in trouble now...

    I have regualr aa batteries in mine too. Roughly 20 pics kills 4 batteries. :( Guess I need to invest in some rechargables. I looked at some at radio shack, but they had 2 different kinds and I had no idea which kind I needed. So NiMH is what I want? Coolie camera Huge....lets see some pics!
  16. Q

    If it wasn't stupid, it'd be funny

    She could be his first guest!
  17. Q

    beer goggles

    I think it's Beer....getting ugly people laid since eighteen something something.
  18. Q

    24 hours later...

    Take good care of Mama-Gonz...glad she's doing better! :thup:
  19. Q

    Happy birthday greenfreak!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREENIE!!! :hbd::dance:
  20. Q

    Manatees gets saved from gang-rape

    Manatees are an endangered species. They are also cute and gentle. Let's not pick on them for being trollops.:p