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  1. PostCode

    Another Desktop Thread

  2. PostCode

    XiBase Contests

    Ok. Here's the deal. It's still gonna have to get ok'd by Neo and fury, but were going to have a few contests here. I've got two Intel PIII processors, an 800EB and a 850, both in Slot 1 form factor. At this point, the nature of the contests is unknown. I will however be the member who will give...
  3. PostCode

    Remember this game anyone? For the old timers in here. hehe
  4. PostCode

    Why I love XP

    Gee. It gave me a total of one minute too. How kind.
  5. PostCode

    Windows XP and IBM

    Oh I do love Microsoft....NOT!!!!!!!!!! Well, I've been dinkin' around with XP on and off now for a few months (as I support this OS for customers, I have to at leave know what it has) and have come across an odd problem. I can install XP on a 10GB or 20GB drive I have, UDMA66 Western Digital...
  6. PostCode

    And you thought SCSi was fast

    Welcome to Serial ATA. Been reading about this. You can also check out the home page for the standard in development, A few more years and we should start seeing this as a pretty common standard.
  7. PostCode

    Cable's fun side

    Excite goes t**s up Were you warned?
  8. PostCode

    WinDriverrs Advantage? has screwed up another site. Now you must pay to use Another fine site has just gone done the tubes.
  9. PostCode

    Very wierd

    Swapped hard drives and the BIOS whined about it. Forgot to redetect the new drive. Go to enter the BIOS and it resets itself. No biggie. I'll just reset the settings. So I go through the BIOS setup and reconfigure everything. I forgot to set the time/date though. Boot into Linux and realize...
  10. PostCode

    Windows 98SE and IE 5

    The problem has been resolved on the customers machine already but I thought I would post this anyway...maybe someone else has encountered it. The OS detects and knows about the modem. I can telnet with it, talk to it, etc... However, when I go to use the modem through DUN or IE, it...
  11. PostCode


    Good ol' PostCode has an empty 40GB drive and a copy of FreeBSD 4.4.....time to see what damage can be done. Hope this IBM drive can take BSD....kinda wimpy thinga after all.
  12. PostCode

    Hey Q!

    Got my drive back from IBM. A bit of advice for all those wanting a new drive...DON'T BUY IBM DRIVES!
  13. PostCode

    RedHat 7.2 and KDE 2.2

  14. PostCode

    Tell me what you think...I'M PI**ED!!

    Now, if you can help me clean this up a bit...I know I'm saying things twice in this. I'm just PO'd about this whole thing. Thanks people.
  15. PostCode

    Cute :)
  16. PostCode

    Now what???
  17. PostCode


    Finally got DSL!!! Westell modem. Damn apt manager had it for the last two days. Morons never bothered to let me know. Anyway, screw that dial up crap. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. PostCode

    October 31st

    I was listening to a talk show tonight on the radio, The Ralph Stedman Show (neat person to listen to by the way). Anyway, he gets this email from someone, who's name is dosen't say. He explains that this person was arriving at work when FBI agents were leaving. It turns out that a co-worker of...
  19. PostCode

    un subscribing from forums

    How is this done? I went and said "I wonder what this button does?" and now I'm subscribed to a forum.
  20. PostCode

    BBS question here - please advise

    First and formost, I want to make this absolutely clear that I am in no way promoting my board here. My board is for a specific purpose and none other. That said, here is my problem. My BBS is a small one and has the purpose of helping people with their PC BIOS related problems. Yesterday, I...