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  1. PostCode


    I knew these little brats, I mean kids, would come in handy someday. Were getting over $4000 back from Federal. WHOOHOOO!!!!!
  2. PostCode

    Asking for a little input here

    What I'm currently working on is a basic FAQ/HOW-TO on Flashing the BIOS of the PC. As this FAQ develops, it may or may not cover other aspects of the BIOS, such as settings and configuring it in detail. For now, it will be just an FAQ for flashing. What I would like to know for others is what...
  3. PostCode

    Wim's BIOS

    Hitting all the forums I can with this one. Wim's BIOS seems to have gone down. I'm not sure if it's related to server issues or he's just decided to can the whole thing. I'm not sure if anyone here knows about this site, but WIm's BIOS was a great site for finding out the motherboard you had...
  4. PostCode

    It's a secret

    Intel's new chip
  5. PostCode

    Where's George

    I've come across a few dollar bills now that have some about this site on it. Kinda neat if you get one you can track.
  6. PostCode

    Damn cat got in the way

    And I thought the result was kinda neat.
  7. PostCode

    A few more good ones

    RFC11491 RFC23241
  8. PostCode

    Etymology of "Foo"

    Etymology of "Foo" Love it
  9. PostCode

    That's it....I'm going Debian

    If AOL buys RedHat then it's goodbye to that OS. I will not use any product owned by that company. I'll go to Debian rather than go with RedHat. They are gonna lose a lot of devoted customers if this deal goes through. RedHat wouldn't mind...I mean, they get bought by AOL, then they're set. No...
  10. PostCode

    One for the Gonz man
  11. PostCode

    Pass the quote guessing game

    If you guess it, the buck passes to you. We'll start this with an easy one: "What a maroon" :D
  12. PostCode


    The drive I bought in like early June, which died in late July and wasen't replaced until two months later just friggin dies again. MY FRIGGIN GOD!!! This thing isn't even a month old! IBM...YOU PEOPLE ARE THE WORST DRIVE MANUFACTURER'S ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET!! I HATE YOU WITH A PASSION...
  13. PostCode

    *nix is now politically correct

    *NIX Is Now Politically Correct System VI Release notes UTILITIES: "man" pages are now called "person" pages. Similarly, "hangman" is now the "person_executed_by_an_oppressive_regime." To avoid casting aspersions on our feline friends, the "cat" command is now merely...
  14. PostCode

    If you were in my position you would do.....

    This is the deal...I still have to buy a present for my wife. Yeah, I know. Kinda friggin late in the game. Oh well. I'm going out later today to get it. What it is I haven't a clue....need some input.
  15. PostCode

    I'm deeply honored

    I've never been selected like this and have never had another site say such good things about mine. Over at a place claled ExtremeTech they have a little poll going it looks like. A site rating scheme. My site is listed here . Give me a rating if you would be so kind. Pretty please.
  16. PostCode

    It's Friday!

    My Friday is today. I'm not going back to work until next Thursday. Long weekend for me. :D So I plan on working on some things for the contest, working on my website, working on some sleep, working on polishing off all this beer and working on eating all this food. :D
  17. PostCode

    It's a secret...shhhhh

    Intel's getting carried away I believe:
  18. PostCode

    Back in the game

    Ok. I'm doing Genome again. Right now, only on my system, the 1.2GHz. This weekend, I'll be setting it up my other system, the T-Bird 800. Looks like I've got some catching up to do. TN has entirely to far ahead. Time to catch up. Got a Duron 700 that will be going up here in a few weeks also.
  19. PostCode

    ohhh lilo. I love you

    Discovered a little quirk tonight under RedHat Linux 7.1. It has to do with X-CDRoast (a sweet program for cookin' some cd's with). To this point I haden't copied a cd under linux so I never noticed the issue. I've only copied data from the drive toa cd. Tonight I wanted to burn a copy of a...
  20. PostCode

    True Friendship

    True Friendship Are you tired of the mushy "friendship" poems that always sound good but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a "friendship" poem that really speaks to true friendship and truth itself... Friend, When you are sad, ...I will get you drunk and help you plot...