Search results

  1. Acid

    Slow broadband speeds in Windblows? Kill icons and active desktop

    ..that doesn't make sense.
  2. Acid

    UT 2003 benchies

    fury LICK EM. i still own you in ra3, so stop bashing.
  3. Acid

    UT 2003 benchies

    I'm not running that. It'd just make me look BAD.
  4. Acid

    What Dragonball Z character are you?

    i got goten the second time around.
  5. Acid

    What Dragonball Z character are you?

    i got cell. but 'm really a vegeta ;o
  6. Acid

    Everyone post your pic's here!

    dennis is like a big teddy bear when he gets mad.
  7. Acid

    Tequila Dance

    Noite Escura: I'm that way with vodka, too. I can't take a shot of it for shit.
  8. Acid

    Playing games while in school - ports blocked

    Yeah. Move. Or see if he can have the ports opened to his room (if that's possible). Tell them if if starts going overboard, shut it off and charge him :p
  9. Acid

    Tequila Dance

    You're just weak, that's all. Tequila is great (for getting you completely shit faced) :D
  10. Acid

    September 17th

    what's your rating? and you know you won't have an excuse for getting smashed in q3 now, right?
  11. Acid

    September 17th

    that'd really make my day :D
  12. Acid

    September 17th

    i'd laugh a storm took out the lines ;)
  13. Acid

    The beginning...

    what processors are in it?
  14. Acid

    September 17th

    till you find out it's barely out of reach :lol:
  15. Acid

    Microsoft hits warez

    I've been using SP1 since it came out, as well as like 5 or 6 betas before the release ;)
  16. Acid

    Microsoft hits warez

    they've already got new keys for it anyways. slipstreamed or not.
  17. Acid

    Me like music

    BILLY OCEAN I remember my mom playing that when I was like 6.
  18. Acid

    The next Darwin Award winners?

    and my dad is complete.
  19. Acid

    Inside nVidia and ATi

    ati can make chips making drivers on the other hand, no.
  20. Acid


    I've had my cat for a year. We still haven't named it.