Search results

  1. brainsoft

    Standard place to install stuff?

    Let's say I were to download and install StarOffice 5.2. Where would be the most normal place to install it to? I don't want it in my home dir, I want it easily accessable to everyone.
  2. brainsoft

    Jim, hows your foot?

    I wonder which name he'll use to post today? How's your foot doing mofo? And get on ICQ, I have a few files to send you bastich.
  3. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    I think that the categories are good, they devide the forum into pieces, making the correct forum easy to find. I find it confusing when there are a bunch of forums all bunched together without any spaces to divide them up in any way. How do you guys feel about them?
  4. brainsoft

    System maintenance tonight!

    I'm running a full system virus scan right now, going SO slow, then I'm going to defrag my 30gb drive. I've not done either of this since I did the current install, I don't even know how long ago that was anymore, but MANY months anyways....
  5. brainsoft

    What do you think of my new AVATAR?

    How do you like it? I spammed the full version in chat the other night, and it's such a cool picture. It's so cool infact that I shrunk it down and made it my kick-ass avatar! *Do you want to see the big picture? DON'T Click here, it's not a link anymore!!* The url is protected, so contact me...
  6. brainsoft


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA! You are 132 years old! How does it feel?
  7. brainsoft

    My LODE RUNNER Adventure

    I recently decided I wanted to play Lode Runner again, it had been ages since I last played it on my Atari and it had come up in conversation more than once in the last few weeks. I found the original pretty quickly, a few claiming to be the original, though I'm still not sure which is the...
  8. brainsoft

    Time to save somebody's life!

    I'm heading off to the Blood Donor Clinic now, Catch you guys later. :D
  9. brainsoft

    Operation Flashpoint

    I got this today, looks like it could be fun, if I ever got into it. I think I'll play it some tonight, but I'll prolly never touch it after tonight. Any of your guys played it yet? There's a demo out there as well...
  10. brainsoft

    XiBase original links page

    Extreme Sports Sites</p> <ul><li><a href=""></a>: All kinds of board sports in one great site site. Features skate-, snow-, surf- and wake-boarding, plus much more.</li> <li><a href="">Transworld Skateboarding</a>...
  11. brainsoft

    If your AVATAR suddenly stopped working... *FIXED PATH**

    Update: Final place for avatar files If your avitar was located in on of the old FuseTalk directories and stopped working today, the cause could be because I have removed the old directory (after backing them up of course). If this has happened to you, don't fear, I kept the icons and moved...