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  1. br0ck

    Two down ...

    I'll let ya finish your exam before i fly out to Hawaii and give you the run over! :)
  2. br0ck

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome to the clan! :)
  3. br0ck

    Happy Holidays

    For some reason, i see that happening. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  4. br0ck


    ....and all this time, i thought it was the water in Indiana. :)
  5. br0ck

    7.7 MB of sheer terror!

    Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!! The man has some good points, I'm mostly talking about the later part of it! :)
  6. br0ck

    Nix and ris

    WOW, it's a lot of ppl's birthdays now. Happy birthday you two. :)
  7. br0ck

    Happy Birthday Coach

    Have a very very happy birthday! :D :cool: :D
  8. br0ck


    Why does ppl use homo"phobia" for? Most ppl are not affraid of homos. Phobia, correct me if I'm wrong, is a fear of something. If you're against something, wouldn't that be "anti"?? Antihomo? Oh, nevermind. :confused: Maybe homophobic sounds better. Who knows. But I agree with...
  9. br0ck

    run for the hills, I've become a DJ

    Why didn't you export it as a .wav, then use another app to convert it to .mp3?? That should of worked. :confused:
  10. br0ck

    7.7 MB of sheer terror!

    Why don't we ask Father OCN if it's ok? He knows what's right and wrong. :p
  11. br0ck

    7.7 MB of sheer terror!

    Agreed! :rolleyes:
  12. br0ck

    Mets acquire Alomar from Indians in 8-player deal

    Being a Mets fan, I'd never thought i'd ever cheer for Alomar. Who woulda figured? :rolleyes:
  13. br0ck

    7.7 MB of sheer terror!

    Nope, just answering Huge's question. :)
  14. br0ck

    7.7 MB of sheer terror!

    Yatta Yatta Yattttaaa! Let's all join in! [edited by s4 -- we cannot allow nudity in the forums our host has made that clear. it doesn't matter if it is men or women.]
  15. br0ck

    Happy Birthday lostsoul1

    Very happy birthday. :)
  16. br0ck

    This is from 1996

    Ouch!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Are those pointy shoes you have on?
  17. br0ck

    This is from 1996

    Bring it on! I'm here waiting! :D
  18. br0ck

    Check this calender out......R rated

    Well nows as good as ever to give the "birds and the bees" talk! :) BigDaddy tried to help you out, you know, break the ice. :D
  19. br0ck

    krusty's opinion

    Sweet, moving up the post/member chart!! :)
  20. br0ck

    Whatever happened to the joke forum??????

    You're telling us that you've saved them up and are going to unleash them on us when you get a chance? :eek: :eek: