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  1. Professur

    I set up a new server at work

    How sad is it that that once proud server is now overtopped by Palm Pilots?
  2. Professur

    Who broke OTC?

    V3.0 and the little girl. Dad could drop off the fucking planet and even gravity wouldn't miss him.
  3. Professur

    what up, freaks?

    It's a veritable missing person's list, isn't it?
  4. Professur

    Who broke OTC?

    Well, updates are due, I guess. Her mum got full custody after dad's pregnant GF decided she wanted to parent her own kids and not someone else's. And they've had their first fight. Came to blows, I'm told. I didn't have the heart to tell him that was jsut her putting her brand on him. Poor...
  5. Professur

    OTC has been fatally wounded

    I know why fluffy could never get a spellchecker to work here. It wanted to correct him and put a capital F, but he wouldn't let it, so it went off in a huff and refused to work. Mystery solved.
  6. Professur

    I almost did this time!

    Just occured to me. You do know that there are double size sleeping bags, doncha?
  7. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Well they can't register and chip in, can they?
  8. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Just popped over to RF. Looks like noone's letting go without a fight, Old Cock. I hesitate to pry into your personal life, but are these new issues with your missus, or a continuation from years past?
  9. Professur

    OH My Gawd

    Dunno, the TV was kinda far away, but she looked about the length of a forearm.
  10. Professur

    OH My Gawd

    I dunno what show it is, but there's something on Discovery right now, with a tiny little girl that looks exactly like the video game Lemming characters.
  11. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Nixy, your taste in men is crap. Inky's ability to detect sanity in wimmens is somewhere below whaleshit. Someone's gotta help you two out. Unless David wants to man up? BTW, what's that number you're using written on? That hasn't been the extension in 4 years, and you've damn well called me...
  12. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Ontario's nice this time of year. I hear that there's some nice young female engineers looking for mail order boy friends out there.
  13. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Have you considered the indian approach? Have your mom and dad select someone for you? Might be worth a try at this point.
  14. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Inky, might be time to start looking for a wider gene pool. Jeez, if the missus cried rape everytime she woke up to me fondling her ...... I wouldn't be waking up anymore.
  15. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Caity, Lori ...have I missed anyone or are you still on the same one that wanted to move to Colorado?
  16. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Not that I'd aware of. I think it was less I needed a sabatical as others needed a sabatical from me. And if you thumb through your PMs, I think I've left you just about every way to contact me short of telepathy over the years. Friday makes sense. I generally clear it on Fridays and...
  17. Professur

    Closing Shop

    When did that get there? They unlinked my pager from my voicemail and I never get my messages anymore. Sam, could you supply us with the budget requirements et al? Let's see just how big Grendal is. I had enough trauma with JJR512 left with half my memories, I've no desire to repeat it.
  18. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Out and about. Decided a sabbatical was in order. Either people were losing their understanding of me, or I was losing my understanding of them. Either/Or, more space was in order. Sam, OTC isn't on the block too, is it?
  19. Professur

    Closing Shop

    Brain, contact me about buying in a share. Or better yet, Sam keeps it up, and you and I step in as funders. Sam, what do you think about that?
  20. Professur

    Merry Christmas

    Naw, she's nowhere near as generous with the baking as your mother-in-law.