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  1. G

    Roe vs Wade

    I got irked because instead of just stating your opinion, you chose to ask a sarcastic question of everyone else. I'm a pretty direct person and get impatient when others beat around the bush instead of stating what's really on their mind, that's all. As far as my own practices, they're...
  2. G

    Roe vs Wade

    You asked me a question, and then used my answer to seemingly disagree with it. Did you only ask because you wanted to use my words against me, or do you want to express your own opinion? So far, you've asked questions of others but haven't expressed your own views. I don't understand your...
  3. G

    Anybody remember the days...

    My Dad handed me his computer a while ago and said, "Here. See what you can do with this." According to him, there's nothing wrong with it. He wants me to stuff it with RAM among other things, but it should be fun to play with. It's still sitting on my floor. I should really do that one of...
  4. G

    Calling all fat asses!

    I thought all the stories on Onion were fakes--meant to poke fun. *shrug*
  5. G

    hey, Q!

    We know more about my Mom's side, the Italian side, than my Dad's side, the Irish side. I guess cus the Irish were too drunk to remember! :beerchug: :D
  6. G

    Roe vs Wade

    Thanks alex and Shadowfax... Would you believe you are the first two people to have that response in all the people who have asked? Mostly I get more questions... What if you change your mind and you're too old... But I thought you really enjoyed your neices and nephews... But you're a...
  7. G

    Roe vs Wade

    lots of reasons... Have you got a minute or two? ;) 1. I don't have that motherly instinct that I want them-I never have. I am motherly to my neices and nephews and love and enjoy them immensely, but I'm their Aunt-not their Mom. Ultimately, I am not responsible for their lives nor...
  8. G

    Roe vs Wade

    We as in my boyfriend Rusty and I. Not we as in 'We the people' lol
  9. G

    Roe vs Wade

    Maybe the upper class would have the cash to take a trip overseas to get an abortion but the middle and lower classes won't. For them, illegal abortion would be the way to go. I know a few girls from high school who did it-and were totally ok about it, like they had the right to use it as...
  10. G

    Damn cat got in the way

    That's a great picture! So much detail! You should entitle that 'Curiosity'... :D
  11. G

    Etymology of "Foo"

    Someone has too much time on their hands... :laugh:
  12. G

    Getting to know the Hitlers

    He vows not to divulge the address, yet gives clues to where it is. It's the South Shore of LI, on a bay, probably Eastern Nassau, Western Suffolk county, and a 20 minute drive from the closest Roman Catholic cemetary. And gives a description of the house. You could find it if you had the...
  13. G

    Let it snow

    Show off. :( ...... ;) ..... :D Funny you should say that, we had snow too the other day, and there was a snowman on the beach too. I didn't go swimming but there were plenty of surfers out there. They must be insane-surfing in the freezing water!
  14. G

    Another reason I hate flying

    She flushes before she wipes, I think. I don't stand on my toilet and look in her stall, but you can tell cus it's always so quiet in there. I don't know why, it's just weird.
  15. G

    Another reason I hate flying

    There's a woman at work who does that-flushes multiple times while she's still on the toilet. The sound of flushing water is all muffledf-I have no idea why she does it.
  16. G

    Comic of the day...

    My boyfriend's parents had a bunch of old stuff from his childhood and recently gave them to him-one of the things was an old Garfield phone. (I wanted to throw it away but he insists on keeping it in a box in the garage) One thing I never fully understood... Can Jon hear Garfield?
  17. G

    My bed-capades

    Spirit, now that you said that, I think you might be right about the bed not needing a boxspring. My boyfriend had one like that (which I hated because it didn't have much support--I like a firm mattress) where it was just the frame and then the top mattress. You should try it, see if your...
  18. G

    My bed-capades

    Wow! That really is a high bed! Just look at the night-table to the left, and the height of the lamp. Is that table regular height? You have to lean down from the top of the bed to turn the light off lol
  19. G

    Have you ever seen a black squirrel?

    Went googling for squirrels... Something funny I found on a message board: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I never realized until we moved out a bit to where there are trees and birds, what a menace to decent society is the common ground...
  20. G

    Have you ever seen a black squirrel?

    My sister brought home a baby squirrel and we kept it as a pet. He wasn't black though. I think they only live for like 4 years or something. He was adorable.