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  1. G

    "Guys can talk about it, so why can't girls?"

    yeah, I think it was VH1 or MTV. It was the first show that I actually watched in a long time on that channel. Their programming isn't the best.
  2. G

    What are you drinking this Thanksgiving?

    Worst. Idea. EVER. Eiw. That reminds me of Harry Potter and those flavored jelly beans. Huge, how do you get TechTV? Do you have sattelite or something? I've been looking for that through Cablevision for a long time.
  3. G

    Nalani, you still like Linkin Park?

    I don't like most music out there right now, that's probably why I glazed over them. They've been around for three albums, wow. It doesn't sound exactly the same as the rest of the shit nowadays. Close, but not exactly. ;)
  4. G

    Nalani, you still like Linkin Park?

    :wave: I'll take it! :D How is the second album then with "In the End"?
  5. G

    Nalani, you still like Linkin Park?

    I remember you talking a while back about how much you liked them and I had heard "of" them but didn't really know their stuff. "In The End" I liked, I kept hearing it on the radio. But there was another song that I heard a lot too and I never knew it was them--"Faint". Omg, that's a...
  6. G

    "Guys can talk about it, so why can't girls?"

    :laugh: It's true, that's what She Bop was about. I watched a show called "True Spin" and there was an interview with Cyndi Lauper and she confirmed it. I had heard rumors but I didn't know for sure either. :D
  7. G

    My reasons for hating the military

    That is a DAMN good reason. :o
  8. G

    Back in town

    Welcome back! :wave: I don't think I knew you first time around so nice to meetcha. :D
  9. G

    "Guys can talk about it, so why can't girls?"

    *keeping my mouth shut* :D
  10. G

    Back in town

    Naaaah that's not Q. I think it's Spirit. :)
  11. G

    Hey Prof

    It's my problem, really. I need to lower my expectations. Then I won't be dissapointed as often.
  12. G

    Hey Prof

    My constant companions: I took down serial numbers yesterday, I have 11 units with burn-in. That's about $1540.00 to fix them. I'm testing Wyse software that I can hopefully use to enable the screen saver on all the units in my WAN from...
  13. G

    Hey Prof

    Yeah, it's definitely the tube, that's what the $140. price quote was for, from Wyse. The model is the WT3730LE, it has a 17" screen and the base all in one. I'm all for my company spending money on service or extended warranties, I just thought if I could learn something in the process, I...
  14. G

    Hey Prof

    You mentioned you detest Wyse terminals before... but do you repair them yourself? I have about 10 terminals with a ghosted image of the Winterm Connection Manager on it because they never used the screen saver and Wyse wants to charge me $140. to fix each of them. This is going to get...
  15. G

    suggestions for room name

    What's tapa and what did it ever do to you? :D
  16. G

    suggestions for room name

    I like Pakelekia best. :) My name is boring, it doesn't mean much. It's just the feminine form of Patrick and it's an Irish name primarily. I was named after a good family friend who was named after the Patrick they're describing here: PATRICK m Irish, English, French, German...
  17. G

    suggestions for room name

    Oooh, while looking for a Hawaiian-English translation website, I found one that converts English names to Hawaiian names. Trish -- Like Tricia -- Lika Patricia -- Pakelekia How do you pronounce those? I like, I like. :D
  18. G

    suggestions for room name

    Hmmm you're right, that probably won't fit. Unless you have a REALLY big door. How about OBEY NA
  19. G

    Happy Monday after Halloween!

    Baby na. Babyna. Babina. Bambina. Bambino. I like it. Bambina if it's a girl or Bambino for a boy. :D
  20. G

    suggestions for room name

    How about "Obey the rules of the lab or face the wrath of NA"? I bet it sounds really nice when you translate it to Hawai'ian. :D