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  1. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    #2900...I need a life...spring is coming, maybe I can go outside & garden for awhile..this is making my brain hurt... Face it Winey, better brains than ours have argued this for centuries & nothing has been resloved (at least while still in an animated state) God may or may not be, the...
  2. Gonzo

    Were at 268

    make a UD cancer research team--that's what I'm doing at the moment(getting faster too)
  3. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    Science can, I, however, can't, explain the basis of the reactions which form life. So, for once, I'll not bullshit my way through it.:D What is the theological explanation of all the "missing link" fossils that have been found in the last few decades? They are beyond ape & below homo sapien...
  4. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    "LIFE" is just a series of chemicals, along with their responses to each other. Mutations of that matter are what makes the evolutionary traits. Just as the universe is expanding, so are the mutations. The DNA of a fern & a dog & a human are incredibly similar. Mutations seperate into an ever...
  5. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    *stumped*:confused: re: the rest-Catholocism has accepted the very real possibility of evolution & that it is allowed to fit in Gods plans. Are the other churches accepting of that also? If so, what's the big hullabaloo about teaching it in school? Because of the many different faiths, we...
  6. Gonzo

    EchoStar vs the FCC

    this could be fun. I have no desire to watch our local newscasts, that's why I have LA & NYC affiliates instead.
  7. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    did you at least watch the video? One of the questions I've wondered for some time-If Jehovah created all of this, where was he before he made the Hebrews the chosen people? I mean, the Greeks & Romans had their mythological deities who were the all knowing, all powerful ones before the 31st...
  8. Gonzo

    Gender-accurate Bible

    now this is for Winey:)
  9. Gonzo

    And they voted her mayor?

    What's wrong with the Mayor flashing her breasteses around, it sure get's voters attention:spin2:
  10. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    Winey-I said that wasn't for you anyway:D Gotfrag-Monkeys gets the point across & these monkeys live that long;)
  11. Gonzo


    warn us when it's a video or audio file--damned DAP pops up & scares the hell outta me
  12. Gonzo

    Man wants computer chip with medical records implanted

    You're just a little backwards there S4. First the criminals, then the mental patients, then babies.:scared:
  13. Gonzo

    Still asleep at the switch

    The airport checkpoints is why I won't fly. The odds of another 9/11 or even a similar incidence is so incredibly remote that the odds are unfathomable. It's nothing short of a feel-good proposition to have all this Government Employeed Security. Just like having firewalls & passwords on your...
  14. Gonzo

    Anyone else have a problem with this?

    Kazoo get worse & worse:mad:
  15. Gonzo

    You ever get tired of people on the internet?

    one of the great secrets of buying a car Huge, is not to live in a city where your car costs more to park than to insure
  16. Gonzo

    HWC hits

    Quit coming around only to discuss HWC Toolbox, we miss your witty repartee & subtle nuances you ingest with your responses:wave:
  17. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    the Big Bang is a good theory right now. The exact same question can be asked about God, so don't start on that;) Right & wrong are not universal. ask any cannibal. look thru history & it's laws, we keep getting more & more clever with ways to step over the boundry without breaking the laws...
  18. Gonzo

    Porn won't go away!! Help!!!

    tools/internet options-make sure your homepage is what you want it to be, then start/run/msconfig/startup, uncheck anything with .reg or regedit in it & restart
  19. Gonzo

    Becoming Human

    Put 1000 monkeys in a room with 1000 typewriters for 1000 years & one is, by chance, bound to create the works of Shakespeare. It's an infinate universe full of infinate possibilites. Shit happens:D 100 billion planets. if 1% of that are inhabitable. and 1% of that are able to support life...