Search results

  1. Gonzo

    For NEO

    I just got it. try again
  2. Gonzo

    For NEO

  3. Gonzo

    The Bee says bhonbhon

    figure out the see n say animal sounds in multiple languages
  4. Gonzo

    Illustrated Medievel Manuscripts

    images of ancient works of art...many subjects, mostly religious
  5. Gonzo

    Genome & Seti Information

    look, another way to help science guess at tomorrow
  6. Gonzo

    Follow the path of the embryo

    week by week development of a fetus...good for parents to be
  7. Gonzo

    Luke Helder-more than you care to know

    in case anyone really gives a rats ass includes copy of his letter, anti-gov manifesto & .mp3's of his band
  8. Gonzo

    US Students flunk history

    see how you can do
  9. Gonzo

    New search engines

    These are a few wanna be Googles, see what you think 200 million indexed web pages nearly 1 billion pages over 900 million pages
  10. Gonzo

    Matrix sequel trailer available now

    "Isn't that worth dying for?" Cool
  11. Gonzo

    Sony bitchsmacks Microsoft

    What a dilemma, both at great prices. Buy the XBox just so Bill loses more money.
  12. Gonzo

    Playstation 2 $100 price drop.

    I wasn't sure where to put my version of this thread, so I decided it was hardware for gaming & that meant hardware so...:p
  13. Gonzo

    Napster Filing Chapter 7?

    it doesn't take long to collapse once Metalligreed gets through with you...
  14. Gonzo

    They say its your birthday...

    C'mon Opie, come say thanks :hbd:
  15. Gonzo

    Sony bitchsmacks Microsoft

    The war is on...
  16. Gonzo

    Child Porn Ruling, isn't

    It's getting harder & harder to get a straight answer out of the US Supreme Court. In yesterdays ruling, they said the Online Child Protection Act was a good start & sent it back to the lower courts to make another ruling. and
  17. Gonzo

    What style are you using for the site?

    no, that was beta Xi
  18. Gonzo

    Good Morning!

    it's a post isn't it?
  19. Gonzo


    I tracked my shipment from CA to here. It was in the CA sorting facility over the weekend. On Monday it was in Indy. Pretty cool huh? It never left Indy & arrived at my house on Wed. Neat trick FedEx
  20. Gonzo

    No More Cold War

    it appears to truly be over.