A story (actually a sideline) in the USA Today on Thursday 07/18/02 said that in an upcoming "Physical Review Letters" journal, Australian Nat'l U researchers report that a tiny bead, one micron (0.00004 inch) across, when dragged through some liquid, broke the 2nd law of physics.
I haven't laughed that hard since, hmmm, live at the Met. For all you young pups, watch his special tonight & find out how what amateurs Dana Carvey or Adam Sandler are...
The STar Trek movie actually looks interesting. The best scenes are probably in the trailer.
T3-I loved 1 & 2, what else could the terminator do, come back & make more babies with Sarah? actually, kill John? become a maid? I'm looking forward to it with trepidation.
got it...beat it in First Officer mode...beat it, except for the last mission in Captain mode...Admiral mode is irritating.
decent graphics, too short on programmed missions, for the price.
that whenever I screw around with the memory clock settings on either of my nVidias, my screen size gets all fuxored? Literally too big to do anything. I have to count tab hits to get it to resize because i can't get down to that point. all windows are HUGE and it's impossible to see anything...