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  1. Nixy

    A poem

    *snaps fingers* (i hear that's what they do at poetry readings when the poem is good)
  2. Nixy

    I'm moving up in the world!

    I have just purchased a new-to-me computer. It is a HP pavilion. Celeron 400, 96mb of RAM, 9 gb of HD space 9it came w/ 6 i added a 3 gb drive I already had), a 32x CD ROM and a Microsoft Explorer IntelliMouse. (Obviously I also got a keyboard, speakers and the original mouse aswell but those...
  3. Nixy

    Oil Changes by Gender....

    AH! but $14.95 USD = $23.28 CDN plus then you have to figure in a bit extra because I'm a student who's saving for University and also because I'm SO cute in coveralls!
  4. Nixy

    Oil Changes by Gender....

    Come on over professur i'd be glad to. I charge 25 dollars plus oil and filter expenses.
  5. Nixy

    Oil Changes by Gender....

    I can change oil! My Daddy taught me!
  6. Nixy

    I am now employed!

    Congrats! :smash:
  7. Nixy


    shhhhhh I was just joking.
  8. Nixy


    Well, I try not to talk about sex every night with a man with a big credit card because brainsoft gets kind of jealous when he's reminded of what myself and Hobart have going on.
  9. Nixy


    My cousin's computer is faster than mine but her internet is bad. Right now I'm at brainsoft's house he has a fast computer + cable internet (what more could a girl ask for? ;) )
  10. Nixy


    ahhhhh back to the land of cable.
  11. Nixy


    How do you people do it?!?!?! I'm at my cousin's house using phine line access and it's driving me CRAZY! :spin: Thank god for cable internet in my area! Not having to wait along time for pages to load at hime means more time for the more important things in life, :sex: and :zzz: (in that...
  12. Nixy

    Just so you guys know

    Fuser dear, here in Canada we don't have lottery tax...
  13. Nixy

    Cross-forum post, need advice soon

    My mouse is just the plain logitech mouse w/ a scroll ball. It has a cord and a ball BUT it also has a pisture of a mouse on it. I'll post a pic one day. Anyways, i know all you guys aren't interested in my plain old mouse but I really like it.
  14. Nixy

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    WELCOME! btw the perfect catering would include, Vodka and Pizza
  15. Nixy

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome! pssst! fury! You might want to lay off the gigantic smilies (especially that one) with the newbies, they might get scared.
  16. Nixy

    Attack of the 150 pixel smilies!

    That big eek one was kinda crazy, but not scary, not in the least.
  17. Nixy

    Neo is in the hospital

    YAY!OOPS! I didn't mean to yell, maybe you're not feeling up to yelling yet. Well, I'm glad you're home and I hope you get feeling better real soon.
  18. Nixy

    Name that (movie) quote

    oooooh, br0ck didn't say the name! I can still win! it was Neo, in the Matrix
  19. Nixy

    Neo is in the hospital

    Hope you're feeling better real soon Sam, hope it's not anything serious. I'll be thinking of you. One piece of advice, make friends with the nurses. When my dad was in the hospital he made friends with some of his nurses and it really helped him because then he always had someone to talk to...
  20. Nixy

    Where are you?

    *looks around* Yup, just as I thought, sitting in my basement infront of my computer. (my basement is near Toronto, Ont. if any of you were wondeirng)