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  1. HomeLAN

    'Lord of the Rings' Begins Fantastical Journey

    I'd give it an A-. They skipped two pieces of the book (that I know of) and really overstated one ither piece, but overall they did a great job. Prof is right. Moria was extremely well done, and video will not do it justice.
  2. HomeLAN

    How do you keep your HDD cool????

    That should be fine, as long as it draws through the case front correctly.
  3. HomeLAN

    2000 Posts in Hardware!

  4. HomeLAN

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  5. HomeLAN

    I need a beer

    Oh, Rob. Where did I go wrong. *sigh* We've tried mnemonics, chanting, and even negative behavior reinforcement, and you STILL run out of beer. Kids today, ya can teach 'em, but they just won't learn. *Pops new beer*
  6. HomeLAN

    stoopid people day

    Hell, that's every day in my world.
  7. HomeLAN

    Ok, 'fess up ...

    I was actually a pretty good boy. Of course, nothing deters a hangover faster then a 7 month old screaming in your ear at 6 AM. Experience that once, and you'll go to great lengths to avoid it.
  8. HomeLAN


    I used to use WD exclusively, until I had 3 go bad on me in one year (all new drives). I also used to avoid Maxtor, but at about the same time WD went south, Maxtor's wuality seemed to improve. I now use Maxtor almost exclusively. It seems to me that most manufacturers go through cycles...
  9. HomeLAN

    How long do you

    I'll probably yank it Saturday. After a couple weeks, it dries out to the point of being a fire hazard.
  10. HomeLAN

    If you're at work and are bored as I am

    Unfortunately I already read that whole thing over about 5 very bored days about 6 months ago.
  11. HomeLAN

    My Christmas Wish for you...

    Heh. I'd like to see ya try to come through Karen to try that one. I'd sell tickets. :D
  12. HomeLAN

    20 factors that will change PCs in 2002

    Serial ATA. That's what I'm waiting for. Here's hoping it'll live up to the hype.
  13. HomeLAN

    My Christmas Wish for you...

    Thanks for the thought, Spirit, and I hope your Christmas treated you well. But all you could wish for me was a hug from Unc?! Ewwww..... :D
  14. HomeLAN

    Who is

    After assembling about 15 toys this past weekend, I can honestly say that I would sooner attempt an appendectomy armed with only a butter knife and a grapefruit spoon then try to put together anything made by Playskool.
  15. HomeLAN

    the big gift

    Station wagons are the only way to transport the family.
  16. HomeLAN

    If you were in my position you would do.....

    Yeah, I'm also stuck at the office today. :( One word: Godiva. Those chocolates have gotten my butt out of soooo many jams.
  17. HomeLAN

    I'm deeply honored

    That's good, Posty. PC Mag advertises the hell out of it. More exposure.
  18. HomeLAN

    I'm deeply honored

    Isn't extremetech affiliated with PC Mag?
  19. HomeLAN

    Here we go again....

  20. HomeLAN

    This should be quite a year for us Texas Rangers fans

    I'll tell you what I told all of the Indians fans (all 3 of them): Welcome to him. Get ready to see any kind of team chemistry you might have had going get flushed down the growler.