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  1. HomeLAN

    AMD processor tables?

    Noite, I can't find tables, but I think you're right in that 850 was the top-out on the classic. If memory serves, they did produce some slot A T-birds up to 1 gig, though.
  2. HomeLAN

    Where's the life?

    That happens to me a lot, Noite, and not just at OTC but everywhere. I do a hell of a lot more lurking than posting, at any board I go to.
  3. HomeLAN

    happy birthday kuulani!

    Happy B-day!!
  4. HomeLAN

    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    DOH! Well, that'd be a likely culprit! :laugh:
  5. HomeLAN

    Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

    Cat, I'm guessing power supply. If that baby is right on the line, running it at load may be pushing it over the edge. Phantom reboots mean PS in about 70% of the cases I see. If it's locking more than rebooting, what kinda temps are you getting on that CPU?
  6. HomeLAN

    RIP Al Hirschfeld

    Saw that on TV on my vacation. Damned shame.
  7. HomeLAN

    Everyone read

    I got six, but I didn't catch it until the second "of".
  8. HomeLAN

    The day has come.

    Welcome home! Only twice? That's hardly worth mentioning, right?
  9. HomeLAN

    2002 NFL playoffs

    Well, slap my ass and call me for breakfast! I wouldn't have bet on that in a million years! However, I watched Favre turn it over 3 times in the final 6 minutes, and I wouldn't have bet on that, either.
  10. HomeLAN

    2002 NFL playoffs

    Naw, the Falcons will beat the Pack.. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAA! Sorry. Couldn't say the whole thing without laughing.
  11. HomeLAN

    365 Down

    A little late, but happy new year.
  12. HomeLAN

    The day has come.

    See ya! Have a good trip.
  13. HomeLAN

    Soo... what did ya get.

    GeForce 4 Ti4200 Master of Orion 3 (pre-ordered) very nice down comforter fuzzy bathrobe flannel pajama bottoms DVD player (shared with the wife) a case of beer.
  14. HomeLAN

    Ho, ho, ho!!

    Merry Christmas to everybody! Last posting session before the day.
  15. HomeLAN

    Cable modem Config manager

    A modem slapped into, say, a USB connection on one machine would simply be treated as a device, if I understand things correctly. No internal IP addy, as there is no LAN. Of course, it would have an external (WAN) addy assigned by your ISP. As to how they'd set it up and service it, just...
  16. HomeLAN

    Cable modem Config manager

    Normally, you do need to set that stuff up at the machine level. I set mine up that way (but I'm running DSL).
  17. HomeLAN

    Well I thought I'd break down and join up here..

    Heya! How's tricks?
  18. HomeLAN

    Cable modem Config manager

    Really? The config on my DSL router works great (different LAN IP as this, but same principle). Allows you to disonnect, connect, acts as a DHCP server if you wish, allows IP range blocking, blah, blah, blah. Are you sure you got all the way through the menus? I only ask becuase I missed a...
  19. HomeLAN

    Cable modem Config manager

    That's gotta be a router. A cable modem attached to a single machine wouldn't have an internal (LAN) IP addy.
  20. HomeLAN


    Because C could be a negative number?