Search results

  1. Gonzo

    Ready for christmas

    I know I'm not. Our son is almost taken care of for this year. Now, to study the specs & prices of 8mm Camcorders for momma. *frazzled*
  2. Gonzo

    Cheap setup

    good price for celeron crap
  3. Gonzo

    End of the road for SETI?

    Too bad, but it is like looking for a one needle in all the haystacks in the world. Hopefully, someone will continue funding it.
  4. Gonzo

    Winter Blues

    my grass cutting days are coming to a hiatus kid is 9 :D Phoenix has mild winters but they are still chilly, unless you're a snowbird. It snows a ferw times in Tucson & Flagstaff is ski-heaven. The water side of LA or SD is great, hardly ever below 40
  5. Gonzo

    Went to see DIO in concert Wednesday!

    Had to work or I'd have been there too :(
  6. Gonzo

    Winter Blues

    There isn't much prettier than a new snowfall & the sun breaks out all high & mighty. That makes winter tolerable. Not much worse than seeing "dead" trees & grass for mile after mile after mile after mile after mile after mile after mile...:D
  7. Gonzo

    Hi everyone!

    idiot :D
  8. Gonzo


    Trinity, what ever you did, undo it. The down speed was pretty sweet but damn man, look at the upload...incredible
  9. Gonzo

    Well, duh

    The job description says look for & find weapons of mass destruction or any articles which can be used for such. Sounds like spying to me :shrug:
  10. Gonzo

    Hi everyone!

  11. Gonzo


    'Bout time :D How about NOW?!?!
  12. Gonzo

    are you going to brave the lines shopping tomorrow?

    I knew about the lower price on Wednesday, so yea, buy in advance to avoid having to get up at 4am & join the throng of die-hards. It was cheating because I had advance notice on the price. :D