Intelligent Discussion time


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Gonzo

I'm not real familiar with the New Testament, but in the old one I can't recall God ever saying that man with perish into anything with Satan-that's a lie made up by the Catholic church about 1200 years ago to scare the masses into mass.

Matthew 25:31 - 46 (re: perish in the place prepared for Satan)
specifically verse 41


SWM 40 seeking truth
Jesus Christ died as the perfect sacrafice for ALL our sins. We only need accept the gift. I wish I could somehow allow each of you to experience a little of the Grace I have experienced in the last two years during my seperation and divorce. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone, not through works. In the worst time of my life, when I should have been slicing my wrists I felt God's presence in my life. He is all I have to live for and it is enough. Anything else, anyone else, including myself would fail me miserably in the end. Please believe. At least look in to it! Don't discount it without giving it a chance. In comparison to all eternity this life is a blink of an eye. Where we spend eternity will be determined by what we believe about the person Jesus Christ and how we act upon that belief. How sure are you about your belief? What will happen if you are wrong?


Official Wine Taster
Put it 16th Gear, Gonz....

Why even believe, Gonz?
I mean aren't we All "gods " anyway? Why believe in what the Bible or God says? We're all "supreme" 'ere right?.........
Masters of our own destiny?
So Glad I'm In contol..... So I can f#ck my life up an blame somebodyelse.
I did my best.....I was a "good" person...........I gave to the church twice a year......... Why should I go to hell God?
Don't we all want more than all this "self-righteous" "goody-good" Bullsh#t?! I mean, we're all adults 'ere, aren't we?


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Q
me either

I wish you would reconsider. I care about you and want you to at least make an infomed decision. Please e-mail me if you want to talk some more.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Why believe the bible? I have no idea-it has been translated & retranslated so many times that is has become mans words-should there be a deity in which to translate said words.
or the fact that there is a denominational rift, much less actual religious belief, about what said deity spoke. Why are Christians forgiven & not Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddahists, etc. It is a separationinst arguement-"my god will beat up your god". I do wish I had time to learn Ancient Hebew & Latin-I'd at least get closer to the original bible & it's words.

Because one has no belief does not infer that one is a god-shit, we're 98% DNA related to apes-man is an animal, albeit, one with superior brain functions, but an animal all the same.

Aren't Christians taught, as a matter of course, that we are the supreme being on earth? dominion over the fishes & beasts and all that. And, also, isn't it taught that we have self-will. That all things are NOT written-it's a matter of choice?


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Gonzo
Why believe the bible? I have no idea-it has been translated & retranslated so many times that is has become mans words-should there be a deity in which to translate said words.
or the fact that there is a denominational rift, much less actual religious belief, about what said deity spoke. Why are Christians forgiven & not Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddahists, etc. It is a separationinst arguement-"my god will beat up your god". I do wish I had time to learn Ancient Hebew & Latin-I'd at least get closer to the original bible & it's words.

Because one has no belief does not infer that one is a god-shit, we're 98% DNA related to apes-man is an animal, albeit, one with superior brain functions, but an animal all the same.

Aren't Christians taught, as a matter of course, that we are the supreme being on earth? dominion over the fishes & beasts and all that. And, also, isn't it taught that we have self-will. That all things are NOT written-it's a matter of choice?

Man was given dominion over the earth. We do have a choice. We are free to choose: eternal life in heaven... in the presence of God or eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire prepared for Satan and his angels. You make the call...

P.S. As "Christians" we are "commissioned" to go into the world and make disciples. (I.E. believers in Christ). This is because God does not desire that any should perish, but does give us free will to choose our own fate.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
to continue:D

75Renegade said:
So Glad I'm In contol..... So I can f#ck my life up an blame somebodyelse.
I did my best.....I was a "good" person...........I gave to the church twice a year......... Why should I go to hell God?
Don't we all want more than all this "self-righteous" "goody-good" Bullsh#t?! I mean, we're all adults 'ere, aren't we?

One of my pet peeves in the inability or refusal to accept personal responsibilities. I have made MANY choices I'd like to change because I now know they were inherently wrong-but I wouldn't want to actually go back & change them. They are part of my growth & learning curve-an integral part of "me". I just won't repeat past mistakes. But, money can be laid that more will be made & having a deity won't change that fact. It's the human condition.
Being a good person has nothing to do with a "personal realtionship with (deity)". It has far more to do with your willingness to hurt others, lack of self-control, ego & outright ambiguity towrds others. If you look around a church.synagogue/etc, most, & I do mean most, people are there for connections, not salvation. The true believers have no need for a walled sanctuary in which to (do religious stuff). It is an entertainment venue, a gathering of souls for the purpose of gathering-nothing more. Ask Mother Teresa....

I have never asked anyone why they believe in thier god-I accept they believe & it's good enough for me. I do however like to skirt around the issue & make them ask themselves why. That is a much more important ponderance. Question your existence, your beliefs, your reasoning-if you are happy with the answer-good. if not, why not. Just make the questions hurt to ask, otherwise you're not being truthful


Official Wine Taster
Gonz, Feel like yer my bro.... or at least my cuz.

Jus' wanna hug ya bro...
Don't have any condemnation fer ya. Don't ya think, if there is truely a Sovereign God over all, that 'e takes in consideration, the weakness (I believe) 'e created us with? (imagine w/ me 'ere...ok?)
Do ya think all the "hazards" ya avoid on the road @ 2 AM are by yer own strength? All those "near-misses"
C'mon, I'm jus' not that strong......Somebody's carryin' ya too, bro.
Anyway, doesn't matter what we believe.....God is real.
Are We?
Can we jus' admit the truth? Our fears? Kinda scary, really....
Maybe I'll settle fer self-reliance after all....seems safer.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Recognition of the "bad" choices we have made is just the first step toward acknowledgement of our inherent flaws and the fact that we NEED God to lean on. I would not be alive today by my own strength, but only by the fact that I accepted the fact I cannot control my own life successfully and need Gods help just to make it through each day without wanting to put a gun to my head. There is no purpose in this life worth pursuing except to attempt to please God. Evertything else is worthless due to the fact that this life is nothing compared to all eternity. Think about it!


Official Wine Taster
Gonz....An All, (we're all family....I'm w/ ya....

Personal Responsibility is "Key".Perhaps this seems too "radical", but I see myself as a pauper & spiritutally bankrupt! But I jus' believe (from the Bible) that my "heavenly" Father is able to accept my admission of weakness & remind me of the provision He gave in the person of Jesus who paid the debt fer all our sins so that I no longer 'ave to feel that it's "up to me".....
It's really Him who has provided all those many "escapes" I could 'ave recorded, but didn't for one reason er another, jus' accepted as "good-luck", perhaps...
Anyway, Gonz an All, we're all family 'ere. Broken, scared an not sure of tomorrow, but I know who is....


Kissy Goddess
Although I believe the Bible has a lot of good teachings, I think it can be translated any way that we want it to be.

My belief? I believe that Jesus died on the cross, I believe in God. I think we are spirits here to learn to love in order to achieve a higher level of spirituality.

What is important in life is that we all love eachother the best we can. You don't have to "believe in God" for him to believe in you.

And he would never send us to "hell". What kind of love is *that*??

My kids can perpetrate a horrible crime and I would never cast them away forever... that is how I love them. Imagine that, and then imagine the fact that we can not love as purely as God can.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Spirit
And he would never send us to "hell". What kind of love is *that*??

The same kind that we as parents should have for our children... the LOVE is unconditional but we must hold our children responsible for their actions and that sometimes means punishment. It doesn't mean we don't love them, it is simply a result of their choice to be disobedient. No different from the way God loves us. His love for us is perfect and unending but as God he demands our obedience and has told us through his Word what the ramifications are for our choice to disobey.


Kissy Goddess
I agree, there should be punishment, but I disagree that he would punish us to that extent. I believe we have to account for our actions to Him when our days on earth are finished.

Why would he let Satan win? By letting "sinners" go to Hell, Satan wins.

To be honest, I don't even believe in Satan or Hell. I believe that there are good people and evil people, and some a little of both. When we are finished here, we are going to have a lot of explaining and "do-overs" to do.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Spirit
Why would he let Satan win? By letting "sinners" go to Hell, Satan wins.

A couple of points I want to make about this:

1. We are all "sinners" but those "sinners" who accept Christ as saviour will go to heaven. They will still be "sinners", but they will be saved.

2. Satan will not win, and he knows it. He knows the fate that awaits him and is attempting to take as many souls down with him as possible in order to spite God. He knows that God mourns the loss of every single soul and that he has a limited time in which to hurt God in this way before he himself is cast into eternal torment. Believe me, it will not be better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.


Official Wine Taster
Yer not alone, Much.

Originally posted by muchmark
I am a none believer who wish I could believe, desperately seeking for something to hang my hat on. [/QUOTE

Yer willingness to admit that "self" is not sufficient inspires me!
Our Designer & Maker, has, (I believe), lovingly instilled in each of us a sense of longin' to belong to "somethin'", Someone greater than rselves so that we would seek Him......maybe even discover that far beyond His awesome reality, is this"Father" who cares for each one of us & longs to be with us.(We don' t 'ave to walk this sod alone an without comfort or hope!)
He devised an executed a "crazy", illogical plan to prove His love is real by comin' to this Earth in a form all could see, (the "Man", Jesus), but few would recognize. The "few" are those who realize that they're broken-down an' poverty-stricken, who've tried too hard fer too long to deny this fact, but in spite of all "best" efforts, find there's still this longin' which can be filled with nothin' less than a connection with The Creator who loves us.
Funny 'ow so many folks 'ave tried so many ways of establishin' this connection, even "packaged" it for sale to others.....
The way I found is free and so simple it's hard to believe.
Someone once told me 'bout this God who wanted to remove my feelin's of guilt an' failure, emptiness, purposelessness an' hopeless existance.
He shared a few "radical" words that gave me jus' a spark of hope which would 've been quickly extinguished by my usual dose of doubt if I hadn't realized my own broken-down condition of inner poverty.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven" (Matt. 5:3)
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied"
An' finally, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
I'm jus' fool enough to believe such a crazy, illogical idea as this, an' the moment I first did......connection was made, an'
my "Father" revealed Himself to me at last.
I'm jus' crawlin' on this Earth with heart an lungs exploded, a despisable liar an' a theif, selfish to the core.....but I'm Free! I now know He loves me an' one day soon, I'll make my Home with Him, free of the burdens I now carry.
You can too!


Everday People
OK time for a curve ball coming at you or us.

If God is so great and loving and forgiving then why has he let all of the people on earth down? We have homeless,sickness,wars,crimes etc and now you will tell me that this is our test between good and evil but I really don't buy that.

I think we all should be living happily and the garden of eden was a come on as well.

OK OK I'm running and hiding behind my flame proof wall so go ahead.:)


Kissy Goddess
Well, BD, in my opinion, He gave us free will. With that came choices, choices we made before even birth.

As much as I hate sickness, homelessness... and all the atrocities committed against humanity, I believe deep in my heart that those are all planned out as a learning experience before we are even born. :)


Official Wine Taster
Sorry bro. stones er Flames 'ere.

Originally posted by BigDadday

If God is so great and loving and forgiving then why has he let all of the people on earth down? We have homeless,sickness,wars,crimes etc and now you will tell me that this is our test between good and evil but I really don't buy that.

The fact that folk tend to blame God fer the sufferin' is the world is a good thing! Tells me folk r considerin' the possibility that He exists an' may even care an' wanna 'ave somethin' to do with them, an' if so, why not take away all the pain? (that's reasonable by me).
It also reminds me that the words of Jesus prove that He is not only aware of this fact, but also cares! "These things I have spokin' to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
He has removed all legidimacy of our fears in this caotic place.
The real question 'ere is, "will I dare to believe Him"? (Matt.16:15)
"Who do you say that I am?"


God is not in control of our physical world, not since he drowned everyone in the big flood... remember he said he wouldn't do that again.

God hears us through Jesus, he's there for our spiritual salvation, if we all turn to him and take him into our lives then hopefully we will make the world a better place for us all to live in.

A lot of disasters are man made, even the so called natural one's, because we are destroying the balance in nature.