

Staff member
Some people think that gays are evil and that asians that wear only white shorts for a t.v. show must be engaged in sodomy.

I happen to be straight, but I have had a couple gay friends that have been cool.

I personally think that people can be involved in any relationships they want as long as they're not hurting anyone.

So is it ok? Or should they be persecuted and beaten? Should it be legal/illegal?

and do you think that there is any truth to the theory that the biggest homophobes are closet homosexuals?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
IMO, most people confuse homosexuality with pedophilia. Who cares what 2 adults do in their bedroom as long as they both, or thrice, consent. I've had some cool gay friends & known some "fags*" I wanted to destroy.

They should be allowed to marry, in a civil ceremony, since most religions don't condone it.

In a nutshell-WGaF?

*fag is defined by me as a man who acts like a "queen" & wishes he were a woman, but hasn't got the giblets to act upon those desires. Face it, you may like "irregular" sex, but you're still a man.


I am glad you asked that question. This is a very interesting subject.

I don't hold it against anyone if they are gay as long as they keep their sexual preferences to themselves and don't try in any manner to get me to look at half-nude pictures of men or make attempts to convert me to their way of thinking.

I don't care if someone is gay as long as they keep their distance, ie not trying to fondle me and don't try to be gay with me or try to convince me that looking at a man half-naked is cool.


No as a matter of fact I don't but now that you mention it I will define my answer a little more clearly.

Depending on the activity, half-naked men don't offend me. Depending on the activity. However, if some gay guys are getting it on, that does.


Staff member
I am not homophobic. However I'd rather not stick around if two guys are getting it on, and I'd be a bit uncomfortable to say the least if some guy got a boner while staring at me.

I have no beef with those who choose alternative lifestyles, and I even know a few people who are cool while still gay (or, to be pc, attracted to the same gender). I just don't want them hitting on me.

Now, lesbians on the other hand... :smash:


Mushroom at large
I've had gay friends and co-workers. Never had any problems.

But I don't think that gay couples should be accorded the same rights as 'straight' couples either. I believe that a separate civil designation should be created to replace the 'gay marriage'. I don't think gay couples should be allowed to adopt or raise kids either. They selected a lifestyle that precludes naturally raising a family .. so be it. By the same token, I don't feel that they should be accorded the same financial benefits as 'straight marriages'. Again I call for a separate designation.

Before you cry homophobe, I'm also against the common-law marriage too. If you're not willing to get married for real, you've no right to the benifits, no matter how long you live together.


New Member
Why does ppl use homo"phobia" for? Most ppl are not affraid of homos. Phobia, correct me if I'm wrong, is a fear of something. If you're against something, wouldn't that be "anti"??


Oh, nevermind. :confused: Maybe homophobic sounds better. Who knows.

But I agree with prof all the way on this issue. :cool:


New Member
Neo told me..."You're not a man 'til you've had a man"... I believe him too... but just don't wanna try it.


New Member
Originally posted by Argus
Neo told me..."You're not a man 'til you've had a man"... I believe him too... but just don't wanna try it.

....and all this time, i thought it was the water in Indiana. :)

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I agree with prof and with fury in what he say about lesbians. If they're cute they can hit on me at will :mmm: (as long as the two do it at the same time )


Staff member

Prof's points are interesting, but what really is the difference to anyone between a straight couple and a gay couple if you leave children out of it? Imean sa far as it affects anyone else?


New Member
What frightens me is the folks that try to tell you
homosexual relationships are normal.
I don't care or want to know what you do with a consenting
partner behind closed doors,
I sure don't want anyone pokin' their nose
through my bedroom door.

My problem is in someone getting in my face and telling me
Homosexuality is normal, it's equal to heterosexuality
and if I don't think that's true then I'm some kind of
Nazi homophobe! Oh Sure I think Gays should be allowed
to marry and be Boy Scout Troop leaders
and child molesters should be school teachers

Oh Please!!!

Thought Police BE Gone ;)

Oh and did I mention that in a free society
whether or not you like someone isn't
dependant on the legislative whim
of the moment?


New Member
Any person or group of people that looks you in
the eye and with a straight face tells you that
a group of people that engage in deviant behavior
should have special rights and privileges,
that person or group of people is your enemy.

Of course that assumes your not part of the
group of people that engages in the deviant behavior!!!

Gay rights isn't about Gay people
it's about attacking everyone's morals.

Once you have lowered the standards for what is considered
right and wrong, reduced everything to a shade of gray
it won't even amaze you what people will consider normal
acceptable behavior.

Now I don't advocate assaulting Gay's. The laws that prohibit
assault should apply equally to all citizens. But if I choose
not to employ someone in my business because of any of the
classifications that are currently illegal today,
(age, gender, sexual orientation, whether they are a space alien).

"I" should have that right!

See how affording special rights to one class of people
can diminish the "rights" of others?

If I deem someone a less productive member of society
it should be my choice and my choice alone to make that determination.

I suppose we should sign up all the registered sex offenders
as Kindergarten school teachers as they have a right to
get some like the rest of us, Huh!


New Member
When children result from homosexual encounters,
I will re-evaluate my position on this matter...

Oh and I loved that Yatta video,
it was hilariousness of the highest degree!


Everday People
This post can be place right next to religion in my opinion as what you do is your business but DO NOT try and force your feelings or beliefs on me etc and as the last post says about children that there may be a whole different thread in itself I would think. BD


New Member
It's not good for phobics to have power... nor is it good when the sheriff shoots first and asks questions later.


Official Wine Taster
C'MON FLAV........
In light of the current events with r military over seas, would ya best trust yer life to the leadership of a "flamin'" homo er a man who know's what God's design fer man is .....(role of protecter/provider, etc.)? Homos r usually guys who compromise er reject this "God ordained" role (i.e. ...see the Bible, etc.), coz they've been rejected er unacknowledged by their own same gender rolemodels, (i.e. fathers, step.....blah blah). They're jus' seekin' acceptance from the same sex, no? Maybe some r jus' perverts who truly r addicted to anal sex. I say love 'em as fellow humans......(God loves 'em more), but I reject all the, "I've been wounded by my father, an' this man loves an' accepts me fer who I am" bullshit. We can reject God's laws an' 'is love, but their behavior is " unnatural, (per the Creator), an' only produces a crop a lonliness an' broken felowship with the One who made r souls. So, draw up laws against their "behavior"? Hell No!! i love the freedoms we 'ave in this country to "choose"! Jus' keep th bastards the f#ck away from me!! ( I'm weak an' VERY uncomfortable 'round 'em)!!!!:lurk: