Divine feces! Look at the Genome stats page!


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Originally posted by HomeLAN:
<STRONG>Well, I was going to avoid doing this, but now I have to. You also might consider trotting on over to JJR's site and joining us. Thanks a bunch for forcing that, Q! :mad:</STRONG>

So which board do I join HomeLAN? This one, OCN's, JJR's, HWC's or Sharky's? :rolleyes:

As Q said, this is for the common good. I know you're a good guy, but I had a very, very, did I say VERY bad day @ work (oh wait, I did...)

BTW, congrats on your new child (I'm jealous) :)


New Member
Huge: JJR512.com, of course! :D

Things may have changed a bit lately, maybe, I'm not sure. XiBase and JJR512.com used to be sort of like sister sites...OK, maybe distant-cousin sites...what with sharing many of the same members, the same ICQ AL, many of the same staff (brainsoft, Huge), etc.

Now some of the staff here are more from OCN, where my worst side sometimes gets dragged out. There may be some ill-feelings toward me by some people. I'd like to think that those members here that are active at JJR512.com will vouch for my good side, though. :)

But basically, what it comes down to is that I'd love for this site to participate in the Genome@home project, and to do so through the JJR512.com Team. Obviously, anyone can join whatever team they want, but if the powers-that-be here would suggest, in some type of official manner, that anyone just getting into the project do so through the JJR512.com team, that would be great. As was mentioned earlier, the XiBase banner or logo, whatever you want to use, could then be added to the stats page (even above mine, if you want), and we could add other links in other places, on my site on our Genome info page, whatever. I'm open to talking about it.

Look, I know the OCN team is #3 right now, and JJR512.com is only #21. But the fact is, that because we are not so high, by joining our team (JJR512.com) you will more easily see what kind of a difference you make. If you join OCN, it will be long hard work for you to get up; it might be discouraging. On the JJR512.com team, you might move up in the ranks more quickly, as well as also seeing how you've helped the team as a whole move up.

(Is that enough spam for one post? :D But seriously, guys, think about it! :))


New Member


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Well, I was going to avoid doing this, but now I have to. You also might consider trotting on over to JJR's site and joining us. Thanks a bunch for forcing that, Q! :mad:

Basically, Neo, this is a program from Stanford which asks users to allow a program to run in the background, using unutilized CPU cycels to crunch data. In the case of G@H, you're coalating data related to amino acid strings in human genomes.

A lot of boards and other groups form teams to compete against one another.


New Member
Dudes, join us at JJR team.
I'm at the midway and still looking for
a challenger to piss off since Lastlegionery was missing in action! ;)

My system is only a Duron 650. c'mmon guys...


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Huge - Thanks for the Congrats! Believe me, I know about bad days lately. :) Sleep deprivation is a wonderful thing...

I just hope I haven't somehow pissed you off. That's kinda what I've been trying to avoid doing at BBS's lately.


s4 has it all wrong, joining the OCN Hellspawns Genome@Home team doesn't force you to become an instant member of their dicussion forum... in fact theres no need to even visit there.

However there will come a time where the OCN Hellspawns reach 2nd place and keep going while JJR's team will stall out somewhere in the lower rankings.

I have seen the Hellspawns have fewer members and still produce more work units each week than the nearest competion.

This has been a public service announcememt :D


I feel this site is too small and has far too many common members at other sites to warrent a team of our own. And beside, I like being in the #3 team =)


New Member
Originally posted by krusty:
<STRONG>However there will come a time where the OCN Hellspawns reach 2nd place and keep going while JJR's team will stall out somewhere in the lower rankings.</STRONG>

I guess you can interpret the stats any way you want. I see that OCN is #3, and currently is producing the 3rd highest amount of units per week. I don't know why that would make someone conclude that OCN will end up 2nd. It really means that they are stalled, in 3rd.

As for JJR512.com, that team is moving up...true, not as quickly as we have been, but still, going up. There's currently no indication we will end up in the lower ranks. Why, after moving up so high so fast, getting nearly to the Top 20, would we stall out in the lower ranks? Doesn't make any sense.

But the choice is up to you. I just don't happen to think that joining a high-up team just because they're high-up is very fun. That's lazy. Why not join a hard-working team, instead, and help make that team a high-up team. See the results of your efforts.


Staff member

I can damn well see the results of my efforts... I've passed up almost 16000 other people on the Genome@Home project - 434th place over all

I'm in 30th place on the #3 team in the project

Yeah, I have a pretty good idea as to the results of my efforts...

besides, every member on the team is as valuable as the next. The stats are secondary to helping humanity. We're all ultimately working towards a common goal and that's what's most exciting to me. The competition is a side effect and only a side effect, not the whole point of the project.

Anybody who thinks differently should get hit in the head by a baseball bat.


New Member
Easy there, fury. Yes, I know you can see the results of what you've done, and how you have performed within your team. But my point was that is it very easy for you to tell how much your contribution has meant to your team? Would OCN still be #3 without you, specifically? Just you? Most likely. Did OCN move to #3 because of your efforts alone? Were they stuck in #4 until you showed up? I don't think so.

This is not meant to belittle your efforts, or the efforts of anyone else. But the simple fact is that if a person joins a lower-placed team, the easier it is to see how his efforts help the whole team. This is a statistical/mathematical thing...I understand it enough to know it's true, but not enough for me to do a decent job of explaining it.

And of course the main goal is to help the project itself, regardless of the competition. But no matter which team you join, or if you join no team at all, your contribution to the project itself is a given. Once you decide to do the project, your helping it. Now all that remains to be decides is which team do you want to help...and since you will be helping the project the same way no matter which team you join, the competition really is the only thing to think about. Which team do you want to help? That's the important thing. The project gets its help from you regardless.


Staff member
They probably would've made it to #3 without my help, but they did it quicker with it.


JJR wait 'til the OVERCLOCKERS-NETWORK turn on their reserve machines... we have a smaller membership than teams #1 and #2 and still you miss the point.

Edit: If laziness is an issue then I suggest everyone go and join the lowest ranked team to help boost their output.

No one at OCN from 1st to last would ever be considered as being lazy at G@H JJR... we are all serious about our production.

If you need to boost team production you should invite the Armenians to join....doh!

[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by krusty ]


Originally posted by krusty:
<STRONG>s4 has it all wrong, joining the OCN Hellspawns Genome@Home team doesn't force you to become an instant member of their dicussion forum... in fact theres no need to even visit there.

However there will come a time where the OCN Hellspawns reach 2nd place and keep going while JJR's team will stall out somewhere in the lower rankings.

I have seen the Hellspawns have fewer members and still produce more work units each week than the nearest competion.

This has been a public service announcememt :D</STRONG>

Nope that's not what I said. I said OCN people are sometimes vulgar. However, I did not say that is necessarily a bad thing because I too do that myself. I don't remember saying they make you join or anything of the sort.


I never said that either s4, I said being a Hellspawn doesn't make you automatically a member of the OCN forums.

Edit: testing edit text size

<font size = 1>[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by krusty ]</font>