Did an Aircraft really hit the Pentagon


New Member
You think I'm "scared shitless"? I still got plenty of shit up my ass, and I'll tell you what, k2, I'll be happy to shove it all down your throat, too.


K2...Bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight the SOVIET UNION. Remember them? Once the Soviets left Afghanistan, we stopped supporting him. That was when he started hating the US. As long as we were giving him money and training to do what he liked, we were the best thing since sliced bread. Bin Laden should've been watching Manuel Noriega. The US doesn't take kindly to assault on innocent civilians.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I've seen several variations of that & it does make one wonder. It is hard to conceive the notion that we would do that to ourselves. It's not absolutely unthinkable but damned near. There has to be an explanation for the "missing" plane. There seem to be several sites "disproving" this latest hoax. No more reliable than the original story that it's a cover-up. I found this photograph interesting-the smoke is inside the building, not on the outer edge-which leads to the probability that the plane was demolished upon impact & the fire was more intense at the final resting place than the beginning.

As I saw at ine board "there was only one gunman, there was only one gunman, there was only one gunman, there was only one gunman...there I feel better":lol:

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
It's really hard to believe judging by the images that a Boeing hit that building. However like Gonzo said: what happened to that flight? And let's suppose for an instant the government invented that events. Why the aircraft explanation? I mean they saying "Let's put a bomb and say it was a plane!". If that was true it would be easier to put the blame on a bomb-truck. Look at the pictures again. If I say to you that was caused by a Bomb-car you would accept it without question, no? Why insist in the plane version if it doesn't fit then? That doesn't make sense to me. That's the case when the other options are discarded by absurdity.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Let me get this straight...just because you didn't see the plane crash into the pentagon (via the magic of tv), it didn't happen?

If a tree falls down in the woods and no one's around, does it make a sound?

Get real.