All I want for X-mas is....


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
ok, damnit. I put it off as long as I can. I tried to avoid it. I kept starting & stopping this response because it's sooooo obvious, but in the end, my will lost out to a long ago & truly irritating learned behavior. so here goes-I'm sorry..... two front teeth

I'm so ashamed


Official Wine Taster
I'm so intimtidated by my own lack a compu-knowledge an' yer all's domination 'ere......kisses thogh an' love ya!!!:love:

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Spirit, if you buy the DVD player, I'll drive out to Edmonton and take you where ever you want to go. Like the bedroom, the kitchen, the den, the backyard, where ever you want.:D ;) :laugh:


Staff member
well Fuser, if you're not gonna drive anywhere....can I have the car? :D


Mushroom at large
Q, why would you even want that hunk of junk? It's not exactly what I'd call reliable. Remember he had to spend all that money on it last month? ;)


Staff member
exactly! I want it after he put the money into's good for another year at least :D


I'll send Fuser $4.03 if he will send me his old dvd player. He wont need two of them after everyone kicks in, and I might as well have the old one. :D


Super Gawdess
Quote from Trinity1

"I know exactly what I want for XMass...

And it's not going to be coming from the Men of XiBase!!!!!"

I am busy for Christmas!!!!


1 of 3
Gee SexKitten, it's too bad you're busy for Christmas.
I just thought I would organize the harmonic voices of the ladies at XiBase into a beautiful Christmas show for all the little orphans around this great country to enjoy. And if it was successful, perhaps we could take this tour to other countries around the world, and all the proceeds that are to made would be given to all the needy children that we could reach out to.
I just thought we all could give something beautiful back to this world, but if you are terribly busy caught up in your own little materialistic world, I fully understand.
Have a lovely Christmas, SexKitten.


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Kissy Goddess
: clears throat :

"Mi mi mi mi mi mi miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"

:cough hack cough:

:huuuuwack p-toie!:

Okay, I'm ready.