Oh I do love Microsoft....NOT!!!!!!!!!! Well, I've been dinkin' around with XP on and off now for a few months (as I support this OS for customers, I have to at leave know what it has) and have come across an odd problem. I can install XP on a 10GB or 20GB drive I have, UDMA66 Western Digital drives with no problems. Runs great (GOD THAT IS ONE UGLY BACKGROUND THOUGH!
). I have two 40GB IBM drives which I can install Windows 98, Windows 95, WIndows NT, Windows 2000, and RedHat Linux 6.2, 7.1 and 7.2, BeOS, FreeBSD, Debian, Slackware, Redmond Linux, and I think I even tried UnixWare once, on to. But, I cannot install XP. Each and every time with an install of XP I get the following STOP message on the initial reboot:
STOP 0x0000007B
My system is
1.s Gig T-Bird
768MB PC-133
GigaByte GA-71XEH
G-Force 2 MX-200 32MB
D-Link 10/100 PCI
Acer 8x4x32x CDRW (Don't laugh, this thing STILL works after 2 years)
Sony 52X CD-ROM
Sound Blaster Live Value
PS/2 MS Optical
MS Keyboard
Anyway, this sytem is rock solid. I've got a 350W power supply in here that I've taken care to measure the output of the 12V and 5V output for a 12 hour period. No fluctuations at all. Running the whole shabang through a APC BackUPS 500. Works great. I've tried various scheme's of BIOS settings to get this thing to work also. In the end, what I really want to know is does anyone else out there have any issues with installing WindowsXP (eXPerimental
) on a IBM hard drive?
Not that I plan on actually using that OS as Linux LOVES my IBM drives....not that I do though.
I bet it's an old IBM vs. Microsoft relationship here. hehehe

STOP 0x0000007B
My system is
1.s Gig T-Bird
768MB PC-133
GigaByte GA-71XEH
G-Force 2 MX-200 32MB
D-Link 10/100 PCI
Acer 8x4x32x CDRW (Don't laugh, this thing STILL works after 2 years)
Sony 52X CD-ROM
Sound Blaster Live Value
PS/2 MS Optical
MS Keyboard
Anyway, this sytem is rock solid. I've got a 350W power supply in here that I've taken care to measure the output of the 12V and 5V output for a 12 hour period. No fluctuations at all. Running the whole shabang through a APC BackUPS 500. Works great. I've tried various scheme's of BIOS settings to get this thing to work also. In the end, what I really want to know is does anyone else out there have any issues with installing WindowsXP (eXPerimental

Not that I plan on actually using that OS as Linux LOVES my IBM drives....not that I do though.
I bet it's an old IBM vs. Microsoft relationship here. hehehe