What if...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
This is in no way proveable, so it's just a study in geopolitics.

The US Supreme Court says GWBush is the winner in the 2000 elections for US President.(yes, there was far more to it) His father served one term after 8 years as VP. During that one term, GHB showed us how weak the "4th Largest Army in the World" was. They were run out of Kuwait, in which they invaded, in about 100 hours. Then we get 8 years of WJClinton showing his penis off to young interns & moving China up in the technology world approxiamtely 25 years. WJC lobbed a couple of missiles into Afghanistan to show off or something.

Jan 2001-GWB takes offfice. 09/11/01 some militant cretins fly 4 American airplanes into American buildings on American soil, starting the first wave of WWIII. We are now at "war on terrorism". The Afghani Taliban has all but fully collapsed, Al-Qieda is in ruins there & Usama is "surrounded".

The questions are, Would any of the above happened if GWB had not been elected, by the smallest margin ever, to the highest seat in the land? Is the war payback for humiliating Iraq? Is there really a feud between the Bushes & certain leaders in the Middle East? Would Yassir (that's my baby, no sir, I don't mean maybe) Arrafat be pushing Israel so hard?

Ponder that my fine friends....

PS-I am neither pro-nor con-Bush

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I would say yes the Bush open "pro-Israel" politics have turned worse an already bad situation. I can say the same about Ariel Sharon. Do you think Arafat is pushing Israel so hard? But he was there long before. Why situation became worse now? Why don't think that maybe Sharon have pushed the palestines too far?
IMHO your government should do all the retalliations for the attacks now and then start to think in moving out of the questions in that region slowly. You can say "Bah! We have the power to blow up that place and will do if they came up. We're not stepping out!". I say yes you can. But are the lost in lives worth the effort? You can agree with this or not, please no flame, is just an opinion of someone that is seeing from the outside.
As for China, I don't think their technology went ahead 25 years. They are still ages behind the ocidental world, and still much behind Russia.