What do you think of when...


Staff member
...you see a shooting star?

...you find a penny laying on the ground?

...you get weird urges to put thought into your posts at XiBase?

Me, I think an extra-terrestrial being figured out how to shoot a spitwad whenever I see a shooting star...

I think someone's a penny short when I see one laying on the ground.

And I think I'd better start hitting that Reply button when I get weird urges to put some actual thought into my posts at XiBase, cause god knows it's rare :D


Staff member
1: I hurriedly make a wish.
2: if its heads up its good luck and i take it.
3: hmmm... gotta think some more on that.


shooting star .... I think "dang ... wouldja look at that shooting star!"

find a penny laying on the ground ... I think "dang ... wouldja look at that penny laying on the grond!"

thought into posts .... I think "dang ... wouldja look at all the thought put into those posts!"

don't mind me .. I ain't quite meself today ... :rolleyes:


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
fury said:
And I think I'd better start hitting that Reply button when I get weird urges to put some actual thought into my posts at XiBase, cause god knows it's rare :D

Couldn't have said it better myself. :D :lol: :lol: :lol:


Psycho Penguin
1. "Oh look, a shooting star" :rolleyes:
2. "Oh look, a penny" :rolleyes:
3. "Oh shit, I need more beer" :rolleyes:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
...is there a black hole now?

...the stupid rhyme about "pick it up & all day you'll have good luck"--damn I HATE that

...oh look, another place for me to place my bent reality& preach what I've seldomly practiced.:D