The one time I wish I was in the US

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Most computer places in the US won't ship to Canada.

Which sucks 'cause there where some cool deals. I could have saved around $100CND.

Damn you Americans!:smash:


One of a Kind
Don't danm me, it's not my fault! Here, instead of that club, use this fish to beat those computer comanies with.


Mushroom at large
So do what I do. Make friends with someone down south and have it shipped to him. Then have him forward it up to you. You'll save more than the cost of shipping in not having to pay the duty.

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
I've done abit of research and here's what I've come up with

note US $ have be converted into CND $.



I would save $64, and that doesn't include shipping(90% of the stuff I can pick-up locally here in Canada).

There for I remove my wish to be in the US and glad I'm still in Canada.:p :D

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Thanks Prof

Some things here & there were cheap, but for the most part they seem to be on the same price level with everyone else.

eg: Pioneer 16X DVD (tray) $95-109 at most places. I can get it for $87 from a place thats 5 minutes away from my work.

eg2: DDR PC2100 256MB $90-100 at most places. I can get it for $75.20 at another place only two minutes from my work.

I got a computer built on paper and I'll be getting parts from 6 different places, 3 of them are with in 10 minutes of my work.
Total cost $1464CND.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I'm having a brain freeze day so the stats may be incorrect but the point is the same-you're about 50 miles from Buffalo NY-get a POBox @ mailboxes etc or somewhere similar & ship there. kwichyer canuck bitchin' & figger it out:lol:

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
I figured out after the fact that it's just as cheap here as in the states. I just had to spend more time look around.

Look before I leap. I know!;)