Star Wars Episode II Preview Draws Fans Online


Staff member
( I want to d/l this bad, watched it friday and was very impressed)

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Traffic to skyrocketed 115 percent this past week, as movie fans flocked to the site to check out previews for ``Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.'' drew 342,000 unique visitors logging on at home during the week ending Nov. 11, compared with 159,000 visitors the previous week, according to Internet audience measurement service Nielsen//NetRatings.

The site attracted a predominantly male audience with an 82 percent to 18 percent gender split. Surfers spent more than 10 minutes at the site, with 57 percent of the total audience visiting the movie trailer section for ``Episode II.''

The film is set to debut in theaters in May 2002.

``Star Wars has long been one of Hollywood's most powerful forces on the Internet. After all, it was the release of the 'Episode I' trailer in 1998 that essentially started the movie trailer phenomenon on the Web,'' said Jarvis Mak, senior Internet media analyst at NetRatings. ``Lucasfilm continues to stay on the cutting edge of technology, tying together DVD technology and the Internet to offer an online version of a second trailer to owners of the 'Episode I' DVD.''

Nielsen//NetRatings measures and reports Internet audience behavior based on data collected from 62,000 home users and 8,000 at work users in the U.S and 155,000 international users.