Spring has sprung


New Member
Sheesh. I've waited for spring forever. Today I was happy to wake up to a bright sunny day with leaves on the trees (not buds), the birds chirping, forecast of 17c for the high. Beautiful!

At nine o'clock however, it started. The guy next door chopping down five trees. With a chainsaw vrooom vroom!. The guy behind me and the one across are mowing their lawns bubububububu x2, once they're done it will be assorted yard work accompanied by whirrs and thunks! The guy 2 doors over is building a fence bang bang bang, oops dropped wood, slam!. And the house over 5 the other way is adding an extension bang bang bang, assorted whirrs, slams and odd noises!

So much for the lovely chirping birds and buzzing bees :retard:

And tonight, the serenade of the crickets will begin.

I had thought when we moved here that a village in the country would be peaceful... :cry2:


New Member
Lol I know what that's like. My old landlord had everything-the leaf blower, lawn mower, electric hedge cutter... Oh and a boat. So spring was him doing constant lawn/bush/tree work and running his boat for some reason.

Now I have the other extreme. I have to call and complain to get my lawn mowed. I currently have 1-2 foot high weeds and very little grass. My landlord's a jerkoff.