short skit


Staff member
I got real mad one day so I wrote this.

Leah stared, eyes wide open, at the horrible shocking display of her daughter's life fading away right under her nose, unable to do a thing about it. Her gaze shifted over to Ben and her heart started beating twice as fast, the metal clamps bracing her body to the wall buckling under the stress of her fists clenching around them, and snapping off. She began to tremble as her body temperature shot up to inhuman levels. The air around her grew so hot that the clamps around her chest and legs melted away. She began to charge towards Ben with nothing on her mind except brutal mutilation exactly like Ben just did to her six year old daughter Jennifer.

Ben threw Jennifer's limp corpse at Leah to try to slow her down, and then scrambled to get outside the room. The air temperature rose beyond safety limits and the ship's computer sealed off the room, locking all possible exits.

Leah's anger grew incredibly large, creating a scorchingly hot aura around her body. Each of her footsteps began to leave a trail of fire scorching the metal floor plates. She walked towards the door, placed her hands on it, and pushed. The intense groaning sound of the 6" thick metal door and walls bending and twisting away was felt throughout the entire ship; the force of a wrecking ball twice the size of a beach ball was concentrated into Leah's hands. She ran through the ship looking for Ben, pulling down support beams to prevent him from tracking back into the other parts of the ship. With each step, her anger continued to rise, and her body seemed to emit fire by itself.

In mere moments, but what seemed to her to be forever, she burst to the command center of the ship where Ben stood, pointing a plasma weapon at her head.

Ben's entire body quivered with fear, and his voice was thick with jitters as he threatened, "D-d-don't come any closer, or I'll-I'll shoot! I WILL SHOOT YOU!"

Leah's limitless rage overtook her body and her voice trembled with ire. "You son of a BITCH. How dare you murder my only daughter? What gives YOU the right to take another person's life? This isn't a game, Ben! This is life, and you are not God. You do not have the right to choose who lives and who dies. But yet, you took it upon yourself to choose that my daughter could not live. You low down scummy bastard, I will make you PAY!"

She screamed vengefully as she began to walk towards Ben, and the fire covering her body grew into an intensely bright ball of fire. Ben fired the plasma weapon repeatedly, but the shots dissipated before they even got close to Leah's body.

"If you can't stand the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen, Ben," Leah said as she reached out her arm and grabbed him by the neck. "This is one murder you won't live to brag about."

Ben shrieked in agony as the skin and muscle around his neck was melted away to expose the bone.

Leah shouted as she snapped Ben's head clear off his neck, and shattered the spinal cord. "Don't get yourself into trouble down there in Hell, motherfucker!"