Propaganda about the war on terror


Staff member

There are some "questions" about the 9-11 attacks which are mostly easily answered...


Superficially, it all seemed straightforward enough. According to the official story, about 19 suicidal Middle Eastern terrorists, their hearts full of hatred for American freedom and democracy, hijacked four airliners, crashing two into the twin towers of New York City's World Trade Center and a third into the Pentagon. The fourth reportedly crashed in western Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to fight the terrorists.

But many disturbing questions have arisen. Among them:

¥ Why was the US military preparing war plans against Afghanistan months before the September 11 attacks? Were they just looking for some event to propel the normally disinterested American public into a war, as in the past?

¥ How could paper documents incriminating bin Laden be found intact at the WTC, but the planes' "black box" flight recorders--designed to withstand crashes--were damaged beyond use?

The papers fell from a part of the building that was not burning up from the extremely hot jet fuel? Not sure about this one, but I don't think many things in this world can survive burning jet fuel. One of the least being 100+ story buildings

¥ Even days and weeks after the WTC attack, why were news cameramen prevented from photographing the ruins from certain angles, as complained about by CBS correspondent Lou Young, who asked, "What are they afraid we're going to see?"

¥ Why has the NYPD liaison to the FBI been sent packing as a "security risk", as reported in the October 16 New York Times? Whose security is at risk? The FBI's? What is it that the Bureau does not want NYPD to know?

¥ How could an obviously sophisticated terrorist plan, involving perhaps as many as 100 persons and in the works for five years, escape the notice of our intelligence services, especially the FBI and CIA? And why, instead of cashiering those responsible for this intelligence failure and totally restructuring these agencies, are we doubling their budgets?

To answer that, lemme ask a couple questions: How do we know Osama, the sick bastard he is, didn't just up and call for a few planes to be run into the WTC and Pentagon? How are the FBI and CIA supposed to know everything about what's going on?

¥ Why did the WTC South Tower collapse first, when it was not as extensively damaged as the North Tower which burned for almost an hour and a half before collapsing?

The angle the plane hit the south tower may have spread the jet fuel across more of an area internally of the building and thus the bulk of the damage was from the inside. Then the plane that hit the north tower probably hit it at an angle that looked more damaging because most of the damage was on the outside, not on the inside. Not sure about this one either.

¥ Why did many witnesses claim to hear further explosions within the buildings? And why did the destruction of the towers appear more like a controlled implosion than a tragic accident?

I read somewhere that the designers of the building designed it in a way that they figure it should collapse if damaged enough, instead of falling sideways, it would fall straight down.

¥ Why did FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledge that the list of named hijackers might not contain their real names? Doesn't everyone have to show a photo ID to claim a boarding pass? Where was the normal security?

¥ Why was there a discrepancy of 35 names between the published passenger lists and the official death toll on all four of the ill-fated flights? Internet columnist Gary North reported that "the published names in no instance match the total listed for the number of people on board". Why the discrepancy?

¥ As none of these listed passengers had an Arabic-sounding name, how did the government know which ones were the hijackers?

¥ Why did the seat numbers of the hijackers, given in a cellphone call from Flight Attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston Air Traffic Control, not match the seats occupied by the men the FBI claims were responsible?

¥ Since Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister claimed five of the proclaimed hijackers were not aboard the death planes and in fact are still alive, and a sixth man on that list was reported to be alive and well in Tunisia, why are these names still on the FBI list?

Should the FBI really believe anything they say?

¥ Why were no names of the named hijackers on any of the passenger lists? If they all used aliases, how did the FBI identify them so quickly?

¥ Why did one of the named hijackers take luggage on a suicide flight, then leave it along with an incriminating note in his car at the airport?

¥ As for the overall investigation into the September attacks, by late October US authorities conceded that most of their promising leads for finding accomplices and some of their long-held suspicions about several suspects have unravelled, according to the New York Times. Since more than 800 people have been arrested and more than 365,000 tips have been received from the public, why has nothing substantial been forthcoming in the largest US criminal investigation in history?

¥ Why, of the nearly 100 people still being sought by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is none seen as a major suspect?

¥ Why are we bombing Afghanistan, when apparently no listed hijackers were Afghans but instead Arabs from various Middle Eastern nations? Since Iraq was implicated in the 1993 WTC attack, why are we not bombing that "rogue" nation?

¥ Why does the heavy drinking and searching for hookers by some of the hijackers in Boston, as reported by Reuters news service, sound more like mercenaries carousing before a mission than pious religious fundamentalists about to meet their maker?

¥ How did the terrorists obtain top-secret White House and Air Force One codes and signals--the excuse for hustling President Bush all across the country on September 11? Was this evidence of an inside job, or was it, as reported by Fox News, evidence that former FBI employee and double agent Robert Hanssen had delivered an updated version of the purloined Promis computer software to his Russian handlers who passed it along to bin Laden? Does this software, which was stolen from a US company during the Reagan administration by Justice Department officials under Attorney-General Ed Meese, allow outsiders carte blanche entrée to our top-security computers? (Hanssen's last job before being arrested as a spy was to upgrade the FBI's intelligence computer systems.)

¥ If United Airlines Flight 93 crashed as the result of a struggle between heroic passengers and the hijackers, why did witnesses tell of a second plane which followed it down, falling burning debris, no deep crater and crash wreckage spread over a six-mile area, indicative of an aerial explosion?

¥ Why did news outlets describe the throat-cutting and mutilation of passengers on Flight 93 with box cutters, when Time magazine on September 24 reported that one of the passengers called home on a cellphone to report, "We have been hijacked; they are being kind"?

Wouldn't it be kind of hard to say "Oh my god they've got knives against our throats" when you have knives against your throats? General rule of thumb for terrorists is to make your hostages incredibly afraid to say anything against the terrorists.

As Internet pundit Gary North wrote: "We need a theory of the coordinated hijackings that rests on a plausible cause-and-effect sequence that does not assume the complete failure of both check-in procedures and the on-board seating procedures on four separate flights on two separate airlines. I don't see how anyone can make an accurate judgment about who was behind the attacks until he has a plausible explanation of how hijackers got onto the planes and were not removed."

But the Federal government, aided by a sycophantic mass media, did not allow such rational thinking to interfere with a rush to judgement that Osama bin Laden was the culprit behind the attacks.


Wassup with that?


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Why did the WTC South Tower collapse first, when it was not as extensively damaged as the North Tower which burned for almost an hour and a half before collapsing?

The angle the plane hit the south tower may have spread the jet fuel across more of an area internally of the building and thus the bulk of the damage was from the inside. Then the plane that hit the north tower probably hit it at an angle that looked more damaging because most of the damage was on the outside, not on the inside. Not sure about this one either.

There was a good documentary on last week about this on TLC; while jet fuel did play a signficant part, it was because the impact on the south tower was significantly lower than the north tower and thus the outer shell had significant more weight to redistribute the load. Once the floors inside started to collapse, there was nothing left to prevent the collapse from happening. It just took longer in the north tower because the impact was higher up, but the same thing happened there as well.

I'll reply to the other points in a bit; just got a job that I have to do.


Staff member
Never thought of that before. That makes sense that the impact having been at a lower point on the south tower would cause it to collapse first, with the larger weight of the floors above the impact.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Why did many witnesses claim to hear further explosions within the buildings? And why did the destruction of the towers appear more like a controlled implosion than a tragic accident?

I read somewhere that the designers of the building designed it in a way that they figure it should collapse if damaged enough, instead of falling sideways, it would fall straight down.

Tragic accident? In whose eyes? This was terrorism. See explanation above; once the floors started to pancake down...

As far as hearing further explosions, who knows; I've heard many rumors that explosives were placed around the base of the lobby and that simply isn't true. I was there an hour before all this happened and there is simply no way a bunch of terrorists could do that unnoticed with thousands of people around (or even the night before or whenever). It's not like everyone down here holds a 9-5 schedule. I've had a few shifts where I had to come in befor 5am and there were still plenty of people around, not to mention security has been tight ever since '93.

This article sounds bogus to me; if you look closely enough, you can find conspiracy in anything