open mouth.....insert foot


I think everyone has done this one time or another.

The other day I was driving along and got behind this idiot goin bout 25 mph and I couldn't get over in the other lane to go around him. When I did finally get over, I raced up beside him to give him the evil eye and it was one of the big wigs here at work. I was so embarrased. I know he saw me and knows who I am.



Staff member
When you see him in the hall at work, sneak up behind him really fast, make a real loud honking sound...then look around, like you're wondering who did that. :D


Staff member
ok, maybe honking at him's not such a good bout this...go up to him and say: were you on such and such a street on Wednesday about 5:00? when he says yeah, say...did you see that lunatic in the (insert make and color of your car here)...then just say yeah, me too....act like it wasn't you. :D