Jewish Women to be enslaved


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
That's right folks, our esteemed friends & allies *cough, choke* the Saudis want Jewish wimins as thier love toys & unpaid laborers.

National Review said:
Saudi Telethon Host Calls for Enslaving Jewish Women From the Saudi Information Service

(WASHINGTON DC) April 26, 2002 …The Saudi Information Agency has obtained a tape by prominent government official cleric Shaikh Saad Al-Buraik calling for enslaving Jewish women. The tape is called "a Monkey Desecrates Mosque," and was delivered in a Riyadh government mosque. The monkey refers to Jews.

Al-Buraik, a Wahhabi cleric, is closely tied to Prince AbdulAziz Ben Fahd, the king's youngest son, and member of the Saudi delegation accompanying Crown Prince Abdullah on his current visit.

Al-Buraik was the host of the two-day long telethon raising funds for Palestinians, which raised $109 million. He is also the host of "Religion and Life," a program on government television Channel One and on MBC television owned by Prince AbdulAziz Ben Fahd. Al-Buraik said on the tape that the money raised would go to Palestinian fighters.

The following are excerpts of the tape:

On the situation in the Palestinian areas he said:

Oh Believer, it's a wish, as much as it is pains, but we have hopes that the situation in Palestine will explode. No one dies before their day. How many Muslims have died in Chechnya, Bosnia, Kashmir, and Kosovo!!

Is it too dear to us that among our honorable beloved die as martyrs? Their death dates were written before their birth. That they die as martyrs. "Say even if were at your home, those who will die will walk to their death."

Which is a better choice, to di on your bed, or to die perseverant, fighting, not retreating. Which is better to suffer long before death many days, or taste death quickly?

Which is better to suffer a slow death, or die as a martyr in your way to heaven. A death that you will be forgiven on the first drop of your blood.

When life became perishes we started to drink humiliation many times over.

Oh Palestinian Authority, don't you see that you are tested once or twice a year? Then you don't learned or repent.

Isn't time yet to wage jihad, and call for holy war. Isn't time that Muslim countries which normalized relations with the Jews to cancel everything that happened from Madrid to Oslo, and Why River, which forbids the supplying of weapons to Muslims in Palestine?

The agreements which canceled jihad, and disassociation from non-Muslims, should all be demolished.

It's a call to close all embassies opened for the Jews in the land of Islam; it is call to end normalization with Israel.

What international resolution that the Jew respected, prepared by Christians.
On Jews and Christians he said:
People should know that Jews are backed by the Christians, and the battle that we are going through is not with Jews only, but also with those who believe that Allah is a third in a Trinity, and those who said that Jesus is the son of Allah, and Allah is Jesus, the son of Mary.

About America he said:

I am against America until this life ends, until the Day of Judgment;

I am against America even if the stone liquefies

My hatred of America, if part of it was contained in the universe, it would collapse.

She is the root of all evils, and wickedness on earth.

Who else implanted the tyrants in our land, who else nurtured oppression?

Oh Muslim Ummah don't take the Jews and Christians as allies.

ish women as slaves he says:
Muslim Brothers in Palestine, do not have any mercy neither compassion on the Jews, their blood, their money, their flesh. Their women are yours to take, legitimately. God made them yours. Why don't you enslave their women? Why don't you wage jihad? Why don't you pillage them?

To listen to the entire tape open the below link:


Well, once we go to hydrogen fuel cells, and their oil is worthless, we'll see who goes begging, and why... ;)