Israeli and Palestinian people at it again



I was looking at the news sites and those Israeli and Palestinian folks are at it again. This time 2 people were killed and 50 wounded.

Is peace really necessary for them? I mean if all the other countries like the US stayed out of it, would it matter if they had peace? It doesn't do any good to have peace talks while the Palestinian people have no intent of keeping their end of it. Let's face it, the Israeli government seems more than willing to talk peace and have even made some concessions. I think Arafat is no better than Saddam Hussien.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
S4 said:
Let's face it, the Israeli government seems more than willing to talk peace and have even made some concessions. I think Arafat is no better than Saddam Hussien.

You are so right on the target. But, we must appease the muslim countries in order to be allowed to fight the Iraqis. What horseshit. Turn the Israelis loose to protect their people, just as we are protecting ours.


Everday People
The thing that is rather funny to me an American thru and thru is that we are preaching peace to them when they are doing exactly what we would be doing.And without needing or wanting peace talks. BD


I don't have any problem with the Isreali Government protecting themselves and their people. That's what I am saying. If the Palestinian's want war, then by all means they should have it.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
The Hamas won't listen or participate. I saw a picture in I think it was either Newsweek or Time. It was a group of Hamas dressed up with explosives strapped to their bodies. With them was a little boy doing the same. They were celebrating something and the fathers of kids who are members of this group were training their kids to blow themselves up. Yes, I think the Palastinians are a little twisted.