Have I told you....


Staff member
Why thank you spirit, and you are as beautiful as the first day i saw you...


Staff member
Oh YEAH? Well... she's even MORE beautiful than the first day I saw her! Take THAT! :lol:


Even though Spirit is endlessly beautiful, the Flurffmeister™ would love her regardless of if she was or was not. Beauty does not come first in the Flurffmeister™'s book :cool:

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Originally posted by flurff
Even though Spirit is endlessly beautiful, the Flurffmeister™ would love her regardless of if she was or was not. Beauty does not come first in the Flurffmeister™'s book :cool:

So what does come first? Bra size?


Kissy Goddess
I would like to take this opportunity to tell iron, in a very 'unveiled' statement... that you are incredibly handsome.. knock me offa my chair lots.


Eee equals emcee squared...
I agree with Iron...........:D

Thanks Spirit, You are most likely more beautiful in person than I can imagine............

Oh yeah, I need knocked off my chair so what is that size anyways??? ;)

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Originally posted by AMDnut

Thanks Spirit, You are most likely more beautiful in person than I can imagine............

No need to imagine, just look in the gallery. Hubba hubba!